From Jul 12 to July 21
Raging fury
Tera blast
Wild charge
Head Smash
Secret ability
From Jul 12 to July 21
Raging fury
Tera blast
Wild charge
Head Smash
Secret ability
Sobble: blue dino that turns into my dad when its wet
It’s called Pocket Monsters: The Animation if you’re curious
With that being said, the Pokémon world’s relationships can’t really be compared to the real world’s relationships as Pokémon don’t replace animals, they’re just an addition.
Either way, A Pokémon is a pocket monster and I don’t think humans will be able to shrink in a Pokémon ball so they’re not Pokémon imo
In Japan there was a Pokémon guidebook that stated animals existed in the Pokémon world but weren’t related to Pokémon
On the other hand the Pokémon guidebook confirmed that there are animals in the world but Pokémon aren’t related to the animals so it’s very confusing
We’ve seen animals in Pokémon before so it probably works differently in the Pokémon world, like some Pokémon, animals, and humans could be related I.e. oranguru
Dam they let u use device after state testing
Chandelier and ceruledge, aswell as A-Marowak
From that image now I’m thinking paradox snivy could also be a water serpent cuz it kinda looks like it has a fin tail
Squirtle? I mean it isn’t slowpoke so idk
Mega Charizard x or altaria
Or maybe it’s like Zygarde with cells
Or it could be a manaphy-phone relationship
Maybe terapagos has different forms like hoopa
And up until sv, I always thought this was Hariyama’s upper lip/beak
I thought mightyena was a legendary pokemon
I thought squirtle and baton were the same
I thought rufflet and rowlet were the same
I thought Pokémon forms were shiny
I thought poliwrath evolved into politoed
I thought Hydreigon was a legendary
I thought spewpa was a final Evo for some reason
I thought passimian evolved into oran guru
Nidoqueen: The First Pokémon I ever saw and what got me into Pokémon cuz I thought it was cool
Decidueye: I love archery and I love birds, so put them both together and wahshwAn
Dudunsparce:MVP for scarlet team and I just kinda like its goofiness
Bisharp: I love chess
Mime Jr: It’s so cute and I loved James’ mime Jr if he had one I think
Mightyena: Alongside nidoqueen this was one of the first Pokémon I ever knew and i thought it was absolutely stunning
Wow this is way better than the original art! Keep up the good stuff
Greninja kinda fell off now with no battle bond and protean nerf
Egypt which is in Africa: