And a happy new year!
Its strange to see how far Pokémon has come
Kerp catching fellow Wikians!
I don’t think she wants to know who anymore.
Why the hate?
His typing is much more interesting than politoed.
And a happy new year!
Its strange to see how far Pokémon has come
Kerp catching fellow Wikians!
Poliwrath: “Who are you people?!”
Typhlosion ”dude, we’re your teammates.”
Poliwrath: ”Where are my other Paldea teammates?”
Garchomp: ”be here soon.”
Ok now to the captions
“Where do those chairs even come from?”
”ask the trainer guy.”
“From ledgendary to ledgendary…”
“I’m a mythical.”
“I love rain!”
“I love rain!”
“Did you say something?”
“Did you say something?”
“No, what? I wasn’t stealing those eggs?”
“OP, I’m starting to think you and Heracross are related.”
”Magnezone! I have need of you!”
”Melo, Chomp’s anti-snoring meds are in the basket.”
“Camera tastes good!”
“It’s a bird! It’s a plane!”
”Wow, Tsareena did NOT like that sandwich… but hey, 2000 miles, new record!”
5 minutes into the dlc…
Alerady a shiny.
So far, Poliwrath’s Poliwag stack is winning.
He thinks this is a bad idea
I’m so sorry about typhlosion
Because “Pikachumon” and”Poliwrathmon” wouldn’t be very good names.
Quickest OU ban.
You want criminally underrated, I give you heracross. Destroyed Giacomo and Eri with aerial ace and pin misssile.
Chickorita needs more love!
This poll is over
40 Votes in Poll
“Come on, get up you lazy brute!”
“Boys are so weird, right Quillava?”
”Pass, please!”
“Looks like a ruin!”
”Hah, looks like if that Heracross guy rolled around in the mud!”
“Strange behaviour from the blue one.”
”Gotta run fast, or the sand gets stuck all over me, and it looks bad, and my skin goes dry…”
“Anyone gonna… get that?”
”Twelve bucks says Poliwrath.”
(There is a ball in the water)
“What’s that smell? Smells like roses. And honey!”
”What are you looking at, Twitchy-nose?!”
“Woah! You got big!”
”Yeah! I’m even taller than Tsa, dude!”
I thought this was gonna be a one off but the like count said otherwise
32 Votes in Poll
It’s ok, they’re just friends
Also they were my first two team members so they’re like BFFs
Spectate plz
“Hey dude let’s flex”
“No what I wasn’t stealing those eggs”
“What are you doing”
“I will guard her with my life”
“Ahh I love staring into the distance on a Saturday evening”
”She’s strange but adorable”
“What should we do about him”
”leave him be”
“When I’m older, I want to fly like my dad!”
“Watch your tone kid”
“These flags, what do they mean?!”