Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are either top 3 or the best and here's why.
The Rivals:
Nemona is a good rival. Most of the time, nice rivals suck because you feel bad for beating them. Nemona however, wants you to provide a challenge for her and is really happy that somebody could do that. Arven is the mean rival but has a reason for that. His dog was hurt and he was upset about him and loved him a lot. When his dog is getting better, he starts to like people more. Penny is my favorite because she is a team leader that isn't annoying or wants to commit genocide. She is nice to the player and I like that.
Team Star:
A lot of people complain that Team Star is a bad evil team because they don't have any plans to destroy the world or whatever. The problem with this argument is that it puts a twist on the evil team concept in general. Team Star is more of a way to grow Penny as a character and makes some people like her more as a character. Hop did the same thing. He had a point where he gets his butt kicked by Bede and grows as a character and changes his strategy.
The Real Evil Team: (or evil person but team sounded cooler in the title)
The professor being the villain is genius. The professor most of the time provides no purpose in the plot besides telling you what you have to do. A father or mother who died and has a robot replacement has been seen before but not in a Pokemon game. The final fight where it doesn't indicate what you have to do with the legendary is great and doesn't feel like Gamefreak treating us like babies. They are just good characters in general. Also their hot but we don't talk about that.
The Pokemon:
What is Pokemon without Pokemon. Lets start with the best Gen 9 Pokemon. Clodsire. Do I even need to explain? It is adorable and amazing. Moving on the the Giraffe with a hoodie. Girafirig has needed an evolution for a while and I quite like him. Hot take but the Tinkaton evolution line is okay but not amazing. Annihilape is amazing and a great Primape evolution. Every paradox Pokemon is good. The worst one is the Amonguss paradox and its still a 6/10. Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant are really cool and the Legendary Pokemon are really cool. Miriadons better, fight me.
The Gym Leaders and Titans:
I will start with Klawf. This is a cool crab that is good enough to be a titan. Next is Bombirdier. I really like this fight. Big bird drops big thing and you must avoid the big thing. It's so simple and also they Pokemon is about as good as Klawf. Okay but not outstanding. Orthworm is kinda underwhelming until it becomes huge and digs through the dirt and screams and it really cool. Great Tusks and Iron Head are kinda forgettable but I like the Great Tusks design a little bit more. Then they went all out on the Tatsugiri and Dondozo fight. You're on this tiny little island and you see one big fish on the edge. You are ready to defeat this little guy that can't save itself if it tried. And then a big whale jumps at you and you have to fight it and it's really cool. Now for the gyms. The Psychic gym is my least favorite because she was really strong and I lost a lot. The Normal gym was the best because of abstract and obscure puzzles and unique ideas that require more skill tha- no its just because I REALLY like Larry. The Grass gym was cool because its such a pretty town and then the gym leader looks really emo. The Bug gym was meh. I didn't like the Ice gym because the leader was really cocky and she got no other backstory or anything about her. Ryme is really close to Larry for the best Gen 9 gym leader. Ryme is just funny and enjoyable and you see a NPC that looks awfully like a certain MoistCritikal. Hot take again but Iono was really good. Maybe a little Electric type bias because it is my favorite type. She is a perfect representation of a twitch streamer. Now I lied about my favorite gym. Its not Larry. I'm talking about the best gym leader of all time. Voltin' Veluza, why is Kofu so damn underrated. He introduces you to the best feature in the game which is gambling. He reminds me of every dad but without the bad parts. Kofu is maybe the best Pokemon character ever. Why this game might not be the best is the mid elite four. Larry is amazing as always. Poppy is cute and a really unexpected elite four member. The other two were okay. Geeta sucks. She is so bad. Everything about her from her bland story to her really bad team. I don't want to talk about her and therefore I will say one thing: atleast she is easy and doesn't take long so I don't have to deal with her.
That is why Pokemon Violet and Pokemon Scarlet are the best (or top 3) main series game in existence.