How do I unlock and what should I bring would something like a toxic confuse Ray work or would it be ineffective
How do I unlock and what should I bring would something like a toxic confuse Ray work or would it be ineffective
I need you to name Pokémon that look or give off the feeling of metal sonic. Please give some examples
L grass cat W fire croc
She choose the grass cat as the starter
Cause I don't like those two
I need somone to make a diss track on these two
Liko(from Pokemon Horizons):
And the Spirgatiotio line:
Bonus Points if you can compoliment the Skeledirge line as well:
Ok try your best!
Charizard Z
Quaquaval but thats just bias. Mudkip is cool in Mystery Dungeon DX but I chose Charmander for Rayquaza boss fight
British Water
BO'o of Wo'er
I want to win honorably
Did absolutly NO ONE SEE THIS
Quaquavl would be a good teamate
Okay i think that would work
Nah Quaquval should be on that team