Yes I am an intelligent individual
Also machoke looks like Albert the dinosaur so hes good
I’m being bamboozled
You've been bamboozled
Why did you mruder the vulpine
4 Votes in Poll
G Farfetchd in D
Anyways Pawmo
Pawmo can go fall in a hole filled with bloodthirsty cannibalistic granddad year of age jaunty Durants that have nothing else better to do than play Poker and Go Fish and then Pawmo gets mercilessly torn apart by the Durants and why not Green Goblin and Horace can be there too
You couldve just said what's your least favorite pokemon instead of making my brain crumble in on itself
Yes I am an intelligent individual
Also machoke looks like Albert the dinosaur so hes good
The fact that the entire Cyndaquil line has outlasted the other lines is kinda... yeah
Credit to le terminalmontage
Oh damn its true
A pokemon
I did not see