I thought of a fun art practice for me to do, and anyone can help contribute!! The only requirements are choosing and commenting one or more of these categories, but preferably not all to help keep it as unexpected as possible:
Animal/Object/Concept it should be based on
Status Category (Non-Legendary, Legendary or Mythical [I wouldn’t know how to properly design Pseudos so they don’t count])
Basic, 1st or 2nd evolution
Evo/Pre-Evo of an already existent Pokémon
Specialized form of an already existent Pokémon (G-Max or Paradox, no regional forms)
And that’s all I could think of! Feel free to add a comment on what you think should be added to the list if there is any needed things that I missed that are CRUCIAL TO DESIGN! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if it feels fun enough to you, feel free to contribute!
Forewarning: I will not be able to get to all requested designs. Please don’t be utterly disappointed if I haven’t drawn your request, I’m only an artist who has a bit of free time and is lacking inspiration at the moment :’)
Also, here’s an example of my most recent completely original Fakemon to date (it was a while ago):