4)Maya vs. Eevee Person
Maya team:
EP Team:
Maya called Metagross.
EP Called Vaporeon.
Vaporeon used "Aurora Beam" but Metagross countered it with "Flash Cannon" and used "Zen Headbutt".
Vaporeon used "Quick Attack".
Metagross used "Thunder Punch".
Vaporeon Fainted.
EP Called Espeon.
Espeon used "Future Sight".
Metagross used "Ice Punch".
Espeon used "Shadow Ball"
Metagross used "Hyper Beam"
Espeon used "Bite"
Espeon used "Psychic Fangs"
Metagross damaged by "Future Sight" and fainted.
Maya Called Decidueye
Decidueye used "Spirit Shackle".
Espeon fainted.
EP called Glaceon.
Glaceon used "Icy Wind".
Decidueye used "Astonish".
Maya recalled Decidueye and called Sylveon.
Sylveon used "Disarming Voice".
Glaceon used "Ice Shard".
Sylveon used "Quick Attack".
Glaceon used "Blizzard"
Sylveon fainted.
Maya called Decidueye.
Decidueye used "Spirit Shackle".
Glaceon used "Freeze-Dry".
Decidueye used "Leaf Blade".
Glaceon used "Blizzard".
Decidueye used "Brave Bird".
Glaceon fainted.
5)Tanaka vs. Dorian.
Tanaka team:
Lucario(Mega Evolution)
Dorian team:
Tanaka called A-Ninetales
Dorian called Greninja
Greninja used "Water Gun"."Water Gun"hit the target, but A-Ninetales answered it with "Aurora Beam",The move hit, but A-Ninetales responded with "Aurora Beam", but Greninja dodged and responded with "Hydro Pump", A-Ninetales also dodged and enveloped himself in mist, to which Greninja responded with a "Waterfall".
A-Ninetales used "Blizzard" as his last strength, but Greninja used "Ice Punch" to the ground and ended up taking minor damage. A-Ninetales Fainted.
Tanaka called Lucario and used mega stone.
Lucario immediately threw an Aura Sphere at him and smashed like Meteor into him, but Greninja resisted and sneaked into the shadows.
Lucario threw a Dragon Pulse at his opponent, but Greninja dug underground,after attacked Lucario.
Greninja tried to finish off Lucario by imprisoning him in a tomb, but Lucario broke it and knocked out Greninja in close combat.
Dorian called Mightyena,Tanaka recalled Lucario and called Aegislash.
Mightyena try Play Rough,but Aegislash protect himself by King's Shield.Mightyena attacked with sand but Aegislash avoided.
Mightyena intercepted Sacred Sword and played rough,after which she conducted electricity with her fang into Aegislash.Aegislash held his ground and hit Mightyena with Sacred Sword again.Mightyena fainted.
Dorian summoned his last Pokémon and it was the first time in the history of the Sinnoh league that a Trainer used Ultra Beast. Dorian called Guzzlord.
Guzzlord tried to quickly knock out Aegislash with Heavy Slam with "Heavy Slam", but Aegislash repelled the attack with his shield, after which he tried to knock out the giant with his sword, but Guzzlord intercepted the sword with his jaws and threw Aegislash to the ground, after which he tried to crush him, but Aegislash dodged and inflicted a powerful sword blow on Guzzlord. Guzzlord resisted and responded with Brutal Swing and High Horsepower. Aegislash Fainted.
Tanaka called Lucario.
Lucario lashed out at Guzzlord with his power palm, but Guzzlord didn't seem to notice. Lucario threw an Aura Sphere at Guzzlord, to which Guzzlord responded with a punch like a hammer. Lucario hit Guzzlord with extreme speed and threw a dragon pulse at him, Guzzlord responded with Dragon Rush in response, then grabbed Lucario with his jaw, threw him up and knocked him out with Brutal Swing.
6)Jacques vs Pierce.
Jacques Team:
Pierce Team:
Abomasnow(Mega evolution).
Jacgues called Magnezone.
Pierce called Delphox.
Magnezone did a Tri Attack, to which Delphox responded with Mystical Fire, Magnezone held his ground and landed a Thunder Shock, but Delphox dodged and fired a Fire Blast, but Magnezone dodged and responded with Flash Cannon. Delphox survived and landed a Flamethrower, Magnezone responded to Zap Cannon, but Delphox dodged and punished with Will-O-Wisp. Magnezone fired a Charge Beam. Delphox managed to hold a "Future Sight" before she fainted.
Pierce called Dedenne.
Magnezone used "Body Press",but Dedenne avoided and used "Nuzzle".
Magnezone used "Flash Cannon",but Dedenne avoided and used "Thunder Shock".
Magnezone damaged by "Future Sight" and fainted.
Jacques called Chesnaught.
Pierce recalled Dedenne,called Abomasnow and used megastone.
Jacques recalled Chesnaught and called Pyroar.
Pyroar used Ember,but Abomasnow reflected it with a water pulse,then threw mud clods.Pyroar pounced with fiery fangs, but Abomasnow intercepted him and landed a Low Kick.Abomasnow was about to finish off Pyroar with a brick break, but Pyroar grabbed his hand with his mouth and burned it with his fangs, after which he let go and overheated.
Abomasnow built around Pyroar Rock Tomb, but Pyroar broke through and responded with Incinerate.Pyroar tried to take down but ran into Body Press and fainted.
Pierce recalled Abomasnow and called Dedenne.
Jacques called Chesnaught.
Chesnaught started with "Aerial Ace", but Dedenne avoided and Tackle Chesnaught then bit into him with her super fang. Chesnaught responded with Mud Shot and fired Pin Missile at Dedenne.Dedenne responded by thunder Shok.
Chesnaught knocked out Dedenne with Wood Hammer.
Pierce called Abomasnow.
Both opponents started Focus Blast at the same time, but Chesnaught landed first.
7)Jack vs Phil.
Phil Team:
Jack Team:
Beedrill.(Mega Evolution)✓
Jack called Mamoswine.
Phil called Venusaur.
Mamoswine used Icy Wind,but Venusaur repelled him with his vines and answered Venoshok.Mamoswine used Blizzard.
Mamoswine responded with a Petal Blizzard combo and then landed a "Sludge Bomb" ,but missed,then Mamoswine used Ancient Power,but Venusaur reflected all stones after which Solar Beam answered.
Mamoswine Fainted.
Jack called Beedrill.
Jack used Beedrillite
Beedrill started with X-Scissor, to which Venusaur responded with Venoshock, then Beedrill used Fell Stinger, but Venusaur deflected it, then responded with Petal Dance and used another Venoshock. Beedrill Fainted.
Jack Called Luxray.
Venusaur unleashed a series of powerful grass attacks, giving Luxray no chance to attack or defend. Luxray Fainted.
Phil won.