Forgot abt Kalos.
I already have an alt, but I want my old account 💀 It's where it all started. The dramas, the friendships, etc. If there's no other way around this, can I trust Discord?
((Okay so I am VERY late here. Is there anything I need to catch up on before I make a proper introduction or I can just do it immediately?))
Guys I need help
How do I verify/update my age without showing my face and ID on Discord??? My account got disabled for being underaged lmao, and I don't wanna show my personal stuff. Is there another way around this aside from making a new account or I have no other options?
^I apologize for going off-topic here. Back to the bland part, me personally I dont think Johto has GREAT designs. It has some good ones which I cannot name but aside from that idk
Ig Johto is okay, it's just pretty bland when you compare it to the other GBA games. The 3D games have no good story at all, maybe S&M is an exception but I personally think it wasn't executed well.
Unova because I don't like anything that's not Unova
Aside from Tsareena, Milotic and Nessa
I feel the same way with Pokémon BW/B2W2. Those were the first games I ever completed and the last battle just felt like a last battle. The soundtracks were nice, and Meloetta's lore is cool, so many things I can talk abt.
That's not my problem. GameFreak never made sense so ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Cinderace is pure Fire, Delphox is part Psychic and Incineroar is part Dark...-
((YOO totally forgot about this, I'll start rping tmr))
Fr gurly's slayin that scarf 😍💅
Y'all trippin, it only went on for 2. Anyways, I prefer Serperior over the rest because I find it interesting and Contrary is cool so I'll give it that. Imagine if it got Superpower or Draco Meteor lol. Plus, I've used it quite a lot.
People be complaining abt the Fire/Fighting Pokémons when we have over a 100 Normal/Flying Mons
So aesthetic 😍💅✨💅
These are just excuses so that GF doesn't need to bring it back in future gens. How did it go from "bonding" with trainers to abused creatures? It's kinda obvious
Serperior outclasses.
Garbodor is getting some love