The movies starts with Ash's Pikachu in a Tournament against a person's Lucario, the Lucario loses. Next comes in a Hypno, but this Hypno's trainer seemed odd.. his eyes were all messed up and his pupils looked like swirls.. the Hypno stared at Pikachu in a weird way, Pikachu couldn't attack. Next thing Ash knew his Pikachu ran away with the weird trainer. The tournament ended early because of that and Ash followed the trainer. He later fainted on the ground. Ash saw Pikachu with Hypno.. and Pikachu shocked Ash. Misty saw Ash hurt and she was suprised. Brock also came in but they both came at the wrong time. Pikachu shocked them too. "RUN!!" Ash said. A few hours later they were hiding in a bush, whispering about what that Hypno could be doing to Pikachu. Then, Ash noticed his Butterfree was GONE. He came in with a swarm of Butterfrees that tackled them and flew them to Hypno. The Hypno spoke, "I told you I'd be back. I've taken control of a Hypno's poor body and used it to take over your Pokémon!" IT siad. Ash recognized that voice, "Mewtwo!" he said, shocked to se him still alive after his defeat. And that's all I have. I havent finished the whole movie lol.