Ok so Ik it's been like what, 4 years since SwSh was popular or smth but y'know how there's always some cheering when you're challenging the gym leaders or in a tournament? Yea so it'd probably be REALLY loud if you were in the crowd so here's how my gym leaders from my fan region (Sunbornoia) would react to the loud noise if they were in the crowd at a pokemon battle in one of the 9 stadiums in Galar.
Poinsetta (Grass): // Mildly uncomfortable \\
Bonk (Fighting): // Chants whatever the other crowd members are chanting \\
Dyno (Electric): // Does the same as Bonk but louder \\
Sye (Psychic): // In emotional pain \\
Avian (Flying/Fairy): "It's too loud!"
Aviana (Flying/Fairy): // Confused \\
Magnum (Steel/*Storm*): "What?"
Avian: "I said it's too LOUD!"
Sidian (*Jewel*): "WHAT??"
Finch (Fire/*Song*): "IT'S TOO DAMN LOUD!!"
Magnum and Sidian: "OOOHHH."
Sye: // Covering ears \\ "IT'S NOT LIKE THIS BACK HOME!"
Aviana: // Nods while also covering ears \\
// They all see a dynamaxed/gigantamaxed pokemon \\
The Sunbornoia Gym Leaders: // Silent \\
Finch: "WHAT THE ACTUAL (This no-no word has been brought to you by PBS kids and viewers like you. Thank you!)"
* = fan typing
I wanted Sunbornoia to have some dual type gyms bc I don't know if it's been done before :>