Nice job!
Favorite: Oshawott
Least favorite: monkey trio
Can you notify me when a new chapter comes?
Lillie, Lusamine, Guzma, Sabrina
Okay i'll take that out
Name: Ellie Asteria
Gender and Pronouns: female, she/they
Age (Preferably 13-22): 13
Sexuality (Optional): biromantic asexual
Shippable?: no
Transceiver Username (A username they go by online): StellaLuna
Personality: Generally very kind and caring, but extremely short-tempered and chaotic.
Appearance (Image or Description!): brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, blue glasses
Pokemon (Optional): Cinderace, Greninja, Pikachu, Shiny Umbreon
Original Region: Kanto
Extra?: has been to multiple regions, has burn scars on both hands
*Please don't kill off Ellie if you pick my application.*
Name: Winter Asteria
Gender and Pronouns: male, he/him
Age (Preferably 13-22): 20
Sexuality (Optional): panromantic asexual
Shippable?: yes
Transceiver Username (A username they go by online): TheWinterSoldier2
Personality: A bit of a buzzkill, as he is described by his younger sister. However, he is fiercely loyal and is very witty and sarcastic.
Appearance (Image or Description!): brown hair dyed black at the tips, black eyes, fair skin
Pokemon (Optional): Aegislash, Galarian Rapidash, Ariados, Primarina
Original Region: Kanto
Extra?: has a prosthetic left arm and right leg, a pyromaniac
Name: Connie Asteria
Gender and Pronouns: nonbinary, they/them
Age (Preferably 13-22): 22
Sexuality (Optional): pan
Shippable?: yes
Transceiver Username (A username they go by online): SnowMonarch101
Personality: Aloof yet caring, often described as standoffish and guarded due to their past. However, they are relaxed and has a good sense of humor.
Appearance (Image or Description!): purple hair, black eyes, porcelain skin
Pokemon (Optional): Alolan Ninetales, Glaceon, Cryogonal, Dewgong
Original Region: Kanto
Extra?: always has a weapon on them, wants to catch Articuno
(sorry for editing so much lol)
Butterfree supremacy
Draw nihilego but...human 😧