So I’m playing Pokémon Violet without any spoilers, I’ve only seen the trailers for the game so I didn’t think much of it when I found a red Tarountula on the route just before the school, is this rare?
Scarlet/Violet imo
Ive gotten 5 shinies in the first two weeks of playing, though I only have three now because my game crashed and I didn’t save after finding a shiny Psyduck and Luxray
So I’m playing Pokémon Violet without any spoilers, I’ve only seen the trailers for the game so I didn’t think much of it when I found a red Tarountula on the route just before the school, is this rare?
Wigglet number 15, a true vibe
Bro, I straight up had a heart attack when I saw DARTRIX’S EYES
Like, am I the only one who didn’t know Dartrix had eyes??? Straight up terrifying
It depends on which form the Ninetales is, I prefer Alolan to kantonian
Take a deep breath, and leave all your worries with Strawberry Sorbet
Oh no lol
Got this from spotlight hour :D
I mean… I’m happy to have three but… kinda disappointed ngl
So I chose the team of Talonflame, Venusaur, and Jellicent for the reasearch, and I got the Venusaur a few hours ago. Got curious and went to check if I had any hundos and saw THIS
Scolipede, Chandelure, and Gigalith are really good
Charizard eliminated LeChonk saved
I don’t have any Irl friends who play Pokémon go, so if anyone is interested, I’ll trade you a shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, Shiny Galarian Linoon, Shiny Buizel, shiny Skarmory, shiny Herdier, or shiny Snorunt as long as you’re in Texas or are able to cheat to move around (since you can’t trade with someone over 100 meters away)
In Return, I would like any shiny Pokémon except for the ones I listed above, or any legendarys
My Friend code is 1720 4379 0949
It was a random encounter in a Home Depot, I also have a linoon and a Zigzagoon both shiny
Don’t worry I will lol
Im at 1% now