I love them.
10/10 would buy them another Christmas hat.
Next round can we get rid of Macargo- like- why is it still here?
^^ True, tbh I like both, but I got violet cause I like robots-
That's amazing!
Blimp Pokemon- Drifblim or Drifloon?
Tao Trio
Just cause-
KIngdra & Dunsparce (Leave the starters alone-also- why is dunsparce still here?)
(( I like hitmontop, but i'm just voting for it because everyone else is-)
Hitmontop (Meganium did nothing-)
Thank you-
Here, you dropped this 👑
Phanpy (don't tell me meganium is going to be voted out again-)
Wow, that's actually a really nice borge!
12/10 would yeet across the floor.
I can see the potential in all of these designs, but as Pidgeon said, your pokemon look like regular animals, humanoid animals, or just straight up humans with powers, and we don't get a lot of context why there are human-like Pokemon?