65 Votes in Poll
See you in the future as Jessie&James 2...
I might... As Jessie&James 2...
@Jerico Y. I'm about to go off the radar.
Well, will someone brush me under the carpet already?
@Jaxoon Yeah, It's the right thing to do. Because, well, there's more to it.
As big of a user as I was, it's the truth.
No, it's true.
I have a confession... I'm underage. Send me to the clink.
@Godzillagirl13 Well, I have to be.
I've been behind a trench coat for too long. It's the right thing to do.
Admins Care.
I'm Underage. Block me.
I have a confession to make...
65 Votes in Poll
Who's Wigglet?
Pretty Dead Chat
I guess.