Here's the dex (Magearna and Marshadow are the missing ones, but they're not Ultra Beasts I don't think)
Got the Nihilegos from a raid and the research and Buzzwole from the research. All of the Pheromosas were caught the last time they were in raids, but I'm planning on doing some more today. I got a Xurkitree yesterday from the research, then another one today from remote raiding. I then also got a shiny Celesteela from a remote raid, then another one from the research.
The Kartana was from the research, but 3 of the Guzzlords were from raiding, either from when they were last in raids or during the raid hour on Monday. I got a Naganadel from the World of Wonders Special Research, and another Poipole from trading. Two Stakatakas came from raids, and one was from research.
Lastly, I got a Blacephalon from when they were in raids in May (I can't remember why I called him Terry I), and another from the research. Today, I'm also going to trade one of my shiny Celesteelas for one of my friend's shiny Guzzlords.