It’s name is derived from the word tungsten, a very hard and heavy metal, a the word strength.
Just realized the total is way off, I must not have finished writing it.
It’s name is derived from the word tungsten, a very hard and heavy metal, a the word strength.
My brother pronounces yvetal as “Why-vettal”
Oh yeah I forgor
You can’t get one yet
Home update hasn’t happened
I’m pretty sure 3 is either corphish, craudaunt, krabby or kingler.
Maybe greninja seismatoad and poliwrath
The eyes are completely normal.
The tongue scarf is extremely cool and creative.
The fins aren’t ugly, they look pretty cool.
The “weird thing on its butt” Is barely noticeable and I’m also pretty sure it’s just a very small tail type thing.
The spots are pearls or maybe bubbles. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with haven’t them especially since froakie and frogadier had more of them.
And There is absolutely no way you think greninja, one of the most beloved Pokémon of all time is ugly, yet like ariados and heatmor.
Tell me what about him is ugly
Your opinion is invalid.
I will commit an atrocity if you actually think greninja is ugly.
I only played it once or twice before it was deleted, but the memories that those times created were so memorable I can vividly remember them to this day
i forgot to add the typing for mosychic but it’s also fairy rock.
These were heavily based off of tinted windows in churches and a little but based off of Byzantine mosaic art.
Gengar Lugia is kinda giving off shadow lugia vibes
I have no idea what those are :/
I usually use greninja with x attack. Idk what held items it has, but I don’t really care because I win every single match without knowing what I have equipped
Way too many type overlaps. And also what he said about ice types.
I like ceruledge because I used him on my playthrough team and he carried me through a lot of hard battles.