The weird looking reindeer
The weird looking reindeer
Grookey is way too overatted
Dugtrio needs an evolution
Diglett is a top tier pokemon
We need more crow pokemon
We need a Dumbo based pokemon
In the data in crystal it says bugsy is a female
147 Votes in Poll
Raboot (Lv 34), Corvisquire (Lv. 33), Hattenna (Lv 30), Toxicitricy (Lv 31), Flapple(Lv 28), and a Drednaw (Lv. 32)
Two Tails
Maybe I'm just mad cuz I never git past bea
Neither. but Sword maybe? I heard sheild is better. You should just get another game its a waste of hard earned cash
A midget with a bullet head
I think Venonat should evolve into Butterfree and the Caterpie line to evolve into Venomoth
Ghost, Fighting, and Ice
Leon is just a guy.
It's ash's pikachu realistically
I'm not gonna judge but with kartana you will get a paper cut in your mouth
I'm no furry. It's just as sexy as another pokemon like grimer or stunfisk.
A sexy cyan cat.
Did anyone remember it existed?
Oh Diance she could be a good choice