I forgot where he is
Yes lol
I cannot prove you wrong. the only ones that slightly annoy me are the eevee thing (in which your choices totally makes sense based on the anime and mascot choosing) and you flexing on Hoenn, although to be fair idrk about the stats and such of the hoenn starters opposed to other starters, so there might be some fact there. i liek mudkips.
Ok! thanks!
Hmmm lets see... ill name them all bob. excet for eevee. his name is floof boi
So did i win
@TheJkJester *mew
Ash Ketchum
Aaa your tail is glowing! dont move dude, maybe if i punch it hard enough, itll stop!
@LonktheBoi hmmm...
Yes its so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
When somebody punts the soccerball/hits the volleyball really high
@Geocrazy did you know in terms of water-based pokemon, Vaporeon is the most... cool :)
Derp :3
Just want to make sure it isnt a virus! looks legit to me! https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/play-online/download/