Says "aw shucks" in wants eternal flower floette, dragon eeveelution and also for volo to return cause he's a solid villain.
I want eternal flower floette the most so I'll just pick that
Crispin. As much of a neutral opinion I have on him, I DO find it a little weird he was the 4th one eliminated. He's cool.
..I am just as confused as the both of you.
{Very nice and cool art though!!}
Least favourite is probably Jolteon in my opinion. That's not to say I hate it though, I'm just neutral about it and aren't too clingy to it.
Favourite is a tough question but when it comes down to it, I'd have to say Leafeon. It's cute, shiny isn't that good, but that's okay because it's cute and I love its little happy animation of jumping twice.
Ampharos' mega evolution is literally just it with some fluffy hair and a fluffy tail. How did it get this far.
{My vote's for Ampharos}
It's so Chikover.
Don't get me wrong
I understand its a mascot of an important character in the anime
And I understand the dark type on Meowscarada with its rigged magic {Flower trick being essentially "rigged" by Meowscarada to never miss and always crit} is a great concept
But, To say Sprigatito should've won? mmmmmm.... nah... not in my opinion. Not that I'm upset with it winning its mainly just the fact that I don't get why it actually won. {I see yall mentioning Sprigatito has won three of these things in a row as well but tbh I wasn't here for those I believe}
Like if you ask me Chikorita could've won but that's my own personal bias, but like actually speaking I FEEL like Froakie should've won out of these two...
{Might be personal bias due to the fact I picked Froakie in X but who cares, I kinda feel like Froakie should've won here is all I'm tryna say}
all I'm tryna say is that my boy Tropius got in top 8 and that's a WIN in my books
Braixen in A that's all I care about let's gooo
I still remember beating the og shadow mewtwo on the wii u with Braixen it was crazy
Holy moly
Peak art if you ask me
Take it and the apple box home, slice the apples and put them on two plates. One for me and one for the torchic. The sliced apples are to make Torchic be able to eat them easier. And my plate is since I like apple slices so
Overhated - USED To actually be my favourite rival before Arven and Kieran entered the fray. Loved his arc, and he was a proper treat of a rival, always love a rival with a good arc.
Onion boy for me as well.
A pokemon with trick and ring target.
I mean, if gladion didn't have the tidal wave of votes against him, I'd have probably voted Wally to get eliminated and not Gladion but I knew Gladion wasn't coming back after all those votes
Cause Gladion? Yeah I'd understand if he or Kieran won, it's VERY understandable.
But I just have NO clue on how Wally of all rivals wins. Probably the MOST confusing part about all of this.
Because I DOUBT That anyone here has Wally as their favourite rival genuinely... {MAYBE like 1 or 2 people but like I doubt Wally won because he was a genuine favourite.}
Actually, I'm like 50% sure HALF of Kieran's votes {or at least, a quarter of them} were just because {insert rival here} was eliminated....
Since I had no recent ones on my ACTUAL camera roll {due to them all being grouped together which I believe doesn't count} , I had to use my switch... --
Guess my companion's a shiny Mothim. I see that as an absolute win!
{Seriously. WHY IS IT STILL HERE???}
Idk what it is about it
I just DON'T like the line that much.
I knew they were probably gonna pull something like that anyway. I just wish they actually made KIERAN himself reject it instead saying something like:
"No, No, [Player]. You don't have to. I've accepted the fact Ogerpon chose you as its trainer and I don't wanna take that away from you and Ogerpon."
As it would show his growth of character.
Not just the magic box flyin outta nowhere and saying "YOU CAN'T TRADE KIERAN THIS POKEMON 🗣️🗣️🗣️" 💀