Ah! A pokemon wiki that isnt blocked on the chromebooks, how fabulous!
Okay, first things first- introductions.. I'm Yutz, and uh.. I draw pokemon a lot shjdfsghfsab...
I've played pkmn Emerald, Sapphire, B&W 2, X&Y, and Sun. I like Emerald the most but I like my team on X the most. I tend to lean towards grass and dark types more.
Here's some art I happen to have on me, I really wasn't expecting this wiki to not be blocked by the school wifi
This is Apollo, one of my trainer OC's. She currently lives in.. uh.. its like this fire-y town in Sword and Shield I think? My friend has a character in that region, and she's his friend, but I know nothing about S&S... She was raised in Kalos and was the reigning champion for 7 years in a row before being beaten. She has all 8 badges in the Galar region, but hasnt challenged the pokemon league.
Super OP pokemon, but she's more of the 'hey imma train you to become better' kinda gal rather than 'lol im better than you, cope'
And this is Aki, my main pokemon in my X game. Somehow, some way or another, im not sure how, im still working on it, he's stuck in his mega form, and uh,,, is a psychic type,,, hrgdsjf dont ask im still working on it... Basically long story short he had to abandon his trainer bc thieves were endangering his life to try and get Aki so he left for the mountains and basically lives as a hermit fortune teller, using his power only for good (ex: warning wild pokemon who come to him of dangers in their future and what to do to survive those situations. The only payment he accepts though are incense, and food)
I adore him sm, Mawiles are so much fun to draw... I have a whole bunch of HC's of the species as well lol..
(Dang,, I can only post two pieces per day??? ;; well... alr)
Now that I know this wiki is here, I'll be posting a lot more..