I'm dropping in to tell you about a dream I had. Yes it's Pokemon related.
I made this art for it.
Okay, so here's the dream:
Once there was a Mimikyu in a haunted mansion. No one went near the mansion because of the spooky rumors that surrounded it. No Pokemon, no people. The Mimikyu was lonely.
One day an Eevee came. It wasn't scared like all the other people and Pokemon. Though the Eevee couldn't get inside of the haunted mansion, it became best friends with the Mimikyu through a window.
However, the Eevee disappeared one day. It didn't return for a long time. Months would pass. The Mimikyu waited for its friend to return.
One day, a Glaceon and its trainer came. The Glaceon was the Eevee fully evolved. The trainer entered the haunted mansion, not bothered by the spooky rumors surrounding it.
The Glaceon leads the trainer to the Mimikyu. The Mimikyu followed the trainer, leading the trainer to capturing it.
The trainer, Glaceon, and Mimikyu traveled together on a journey, and they lived happily ever after.
The end.
How was it? Yes that was all in a dream. I'm not sure why my brain chose these two Pokemon specifically, but it was a gud dream.
Hope it was gud!