This new (fan) game is just fictional. You can find Pokemon in specific biome so interpret
This new (fan) game is just fictional. You can find Pokemon in specific biome so interpret
Comment Ideas, Heart for Updates and Enjoy :D
Indyah is better
For other countries, (Spin-off regions) Indea, Swiz, Swedine and Gerany
Agree with Oddish
The first Real Pokemon is Mew, Arceus was the First one, Rhydon was the first to get discovored and Bulbasaur was first recorded
Team Oddish waiting for crew (PS No bullying pls)
Chima- China
Australlya- Australia
Brazyl- Brazil
Dapan- Japan
Viatcam- Vietnam
Alopines- Southeast Asia
Astrosia- Russia
Tinland- Finland
Amiraca- America
GHOST type
Ability: Masked, Speed Boost and Competitive (HA)
Ill send a new update making names representing differing countries.
Fyrre, Team Fire
Aquafin, Team Aqua
Forrestor, Team Forest
Electrize, Team Electric
Caverock, Team Rock
Haronsky, Team Sky
Galactix, Team Galactic
Metalix, Team Metal
Westre, Team West
Already september tho
Pokemon Furret walcc (Spin off) and Pokemon Rose and Daisy
Short Electric Furret that walccs faster
Breloom (Rotated)
Ludicolo (Rotated)
Torkoal (Rotated)
One starter, one pseudo and no legends or mythical (UBs are not allowed too)
Tag 3-5 people you know
You have to have at least the Grass, Water and Fire type (Electric and Flying types are optional)
Only one team for your starting region (Like Hoenn)
You can get 7-9 members to rotate with
Tagging @Bloomflower453 , @RedRiptide and @SuperBean66
Mine is oddish but yours can be Pikablue or even Chawizard
Typing:🍃/💀 (Grass/Poison)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Poison Powder, Petal Dance, Sunny day and Dazzling Gleam
I first found Sniff as an Oddish on the route just outside of Celadon City, she was my 3rd pokemon I caught and just before Sniff was General Mega and Dashie the Ponyta. Her first battle was against the 5th Gym, she won. Her only deaths were against the sixth Gym and Lorelei. Her postgame experience was the competitive scene and the sevii islands.