Hello guys!
Baby puppies
What up guys?
Hey guys, long time no see. How are you guys doing?
When I left discord I left my friends and my boyfriend. I didn't even tell everyone what was going on. I told one guy to spread the word. They knew my parents didn't like discord so they'll understand
I would never do that to myself, I just don't know what to do at this point.
That's not what I'm doing, I just need my friends
I just left Discord for personal reasons and I already feel like I can't go through with my plan. I had to leave so I wouldn't get in trouble but my sisters are making me feel so bad to the point that I'm about to cry. I looked at my tree and thought about jumping off it. Guys I need y'all.
Hey Ultra!!!
How's it been
Meh, sometimes awful sometimes good, depends on where I am located.
What's going on here? How are you guys?
Me too
Hi Becca !
Hey Nes!
Hi guys
Thanks Superdoghi^^
Thanks Shadow^^