Note: I'll aslo have my personal opinion in parentheses
Cloudy Boi (LVL 25 Male Swablu)
Nature: Hardy (haha pain)
Ability: Natural Cure (Actually really nice)
-> Tailwind (has saved me quite a bit)
-> Round (good for after using Dragon Breath and getting paralysis)
-> Dragon Breath (seems to cause paralysis 50-70% of the time)
-> Safeguard (might change at some point when I get a better move
Nebula (LVL 26 Male Togepi)
Nature: Impish (why. Just why. this hurts)
Ability: Serene Grace (at least this is good)
-> Psycho Shift (Never used it, probabaly never will)
-> Ancient Power (nice but could be better)
-> Yawn (has also saved me so much)
-> Metronome (luck was bad at first, then it was good, then bad again)
A'Tuin (LVL 26 Male Grotle)
Nature: Mild (...tolerable. It works ig)
Ability: Overgrow (of course)
-> Curse (only used if I'm comfortable with the speed drop)
-> Razor Leaf (pretty good)
-> Growth (perfection)