This is pokemon sword
Released in 2019
With a 2 year long production time and from a 100 billion dollar franchise
And this is tf prime
Released in 2010
Look at this quality, all animated with 3d models no less
Also they have alot less budget
Only owning 25 billion compared to pokemon's 100 billion
And transformers prime had two year quality animation yet the animators did their best and got it out in 10 months
And do remind me how long pokemon sword had for it's production
Pokemon had the advatage of using already rendered models from the 3ds too
the tf prime team had to built their models from scartch and animate it in 10 months as compared to sword's two years
Both prime and sword are animated using 3d models so this comparison is entirely valid
Besides both are billion dollar series spanning decades so poor quality would never be a excuse for ether