January: Palkia
February: Pheromosa
March: Shaymin
April: Uxie
May: Rayquaza
June: Arceus
July: Guzzlord
August: Mew
September: Zapdos
October: Suicune
November: Melmetal
December: Kartana
1: It sweeps your team
2: It's a shiny and you catch it in a regular Pokeball
3: It has amazing stats, is shiny, and you catch it in a Quick Ball
4: You catch it in a Great Ball
5: It runs away after killing 5 of your Pokemon
6: It saves you from an attack
7: It unalives you
8: You don't catch it, but it comes with you on your journey
9: It's shiny, and you catch it with a Master Ball
10: You run out of Pokeballs
11: It's shiny, but becomes John Cena and you can't see it
12: Your rival catches it just as you were about to catch it
13: It's a shiny and you catch it in a Luxury Ball
14: You don't encounter it at all
15: It destroys the Earth
16: It's shiny on your rival's team
17: It's caught by the champion of your region after going on a rampage
18: It's a Ditto
19: You catch it in a Master Ball
20: It's a shiny, but you kill it it
21: It's a Zoroark, but a shiny Zoroark
22: It's on the team of an Elite Four member
23: The evil team leader of your region captures it
24: It's a random encounter in the tall grass, and you catch it in an Ultra Ball
25: It's a shiny and after much effort, you catch it in a Timer Ball
26: You teach it English (or whatever your main language is) and it becomes a vlogger
27: You catch it in a Beast Ball
28: It goes on a rampage and destroys a city with you as the only survivor
29: It has amazing stats, and you catch it in a Premier Ball
30: It's a Smeargle that used Sketch to learn Transform
31: It's a shiny, and you catch it on your last Pokeball