Merry Christmas, God bless you all!
Ooh it looks scary! Awesome job!
Kingpour's probably my favorite of the three. I love the color scheme on the final version.
I wouldn't say Hisui was gorgeous. It had a nice art style, and some of the areas were kinda pretty, but much of the region looked dull and kinda gross. It was just so barren. It did have some actually interesting spots, though, like the ice caves under the Icelands, the Clefairy grove in the Highlands, and the cave with the Rampardos and Bastiodon fossils. Paldea is just boring.
My favorite game is Skyrim. In that game, there are all sorts of interesting areas to explore, and so much environmental storytelling. You can wander around the map and find all sorts of interesting things. The skeletons of two lovers who froze in their tent, a giant fossilized crab, a shrine nestled under a rock. There are so many little stories hidden everywhere, and it makes the world feel more alive and interesting.
It's probably not fair to ask Pokémon to have that level of intricacy, but at least some interesting locations outside of cities would be nice.
I agree. If Nintendo's gonna make Pokémon open-world, they need to make the world fun to explore. It's incredibly tedious as is.
That Ursaluna lools dope as heck. Also Ogerpon is kinda giving me Balan Wonderworld vibes...
Since it's Pokémon White, what about things that are white? Snowflake, Marshmallow, Cloud, etc.
Moon, Sword, Legends: Arceus, Violet, New Snap, and GO.
I think Skarmory, the Kingdra line, the Lycanroc line, the Arboliva line, and the Mabosstiff line could work as well. Also Dachsbun, Boltund, Persian, Palafin, Falinks, Dugtrio, and maybe a regional Stonjourner based on marble colums that is a Rock/Steel ir Rock/Psychic type?
I'm not sure how to balance Pokémon of different types.
What pre-existing mons are you planning to include?
I'm still on team spaghetti kraken personally, though I do think the pizza toppings idea sounds cool. I'm cool with whatever though.
Thanks! Glad you like it.
Could Eevee be considered the fifth? Doesn't Blue get an Eevee in Pokémon Yellow?
Here's what I came up with. It's supposed to look kind of like a sitrus berry.
I saw you added two sentinels, what are they like?
Ok, I'll give it a shot.
I'll try to put something together tomorrow. Any particular Pokémon you want me to draw?
No, I'm sorry. I can try my best to emulate it but I'm not very good.