Hello Pokémon fans, this is Jeremy Slone here, and I do apologize it’s been a while since I last posted anything on the Pokémon fandom, but I just been very busy with some other important projects, mostly my Community Project is all. But for today’s poll, I would like to know everyone’s suggestions on which of these different glass frog species I had listed would represent the possible designing on Politoed’s appearance.
You see, I’m running a community project that involves bringing several of my favorite movie and television series to life into my own reality, and it also involves a list of chosen animals to reside, or to be part of if you prefer, in my community project, including several species that served as the inspirations of so many known Pokémon of the franchise.
I know this doesn’t to be very Pokémon-ish for viewers at all, but I swear all of this is about bringing a Pokémon world to life for my community project, and making everyone’s favorite most memorable and most popular franchise into a reality is all.
Now, from what I researched on Politoed in the Bulbapedia, I did read that Politoed is likely based on a tree frog, possibly the European Tree Frog (Hyla arborea). However, the swirl on its stomach may represent visible internal organs like those of a glass frog.
So reading all of that about the glass frog makes it sound like something straight from a Science fictional movie or at least something that came straight out of a fairytale, and that’s why I feel like adding the glass frog onto my animal list other than the European Tree Frog or any other of my chosen frog species. But what’s been really difficult for me is that I honestly can’t tell which of these frog species I listed from the internet could be the best inspiration that represents Politied’s design. So I decided to create the first part of a poll that focuses on which of these glass frogs could represent Politied’s design before moving forward to Part 2 and others, etc. And I would be very appreciative for your all’s hope if you could just take your time to look through the pics I added onto the poll and comment below abnd let me know right away which of these is the best choice so I can go on ahead and add the perfect frog specimen to my animal list that’s part of my planned community project.