Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1:
A longer chapter that I actually had to split in two. The next part will be posted later today. Our heroes answer the summons!
—— Kanto ——
The Legendary Pokémon awoke from his slumber. He looked around the cave that was his home, wondering what it was that had disturbed him. There were no humans about, that much was clear, and the local Pokémon had learned not to disturb him. He stretched, feeling the blood flow through his system. It was second nature to sleep in the position he did, namely, floating in the air with his legs bent and arms crossed, but it didn’t do to stay in the position for too long.
Wondering how long he’d slept, the Legendary Pokémon began to wander, passing by the denizens of the cave who gave him a wide berth. He floated silently through the air, not really paying attention to his surroundings but heading for the general direction of the cave’s exit. Once he got there, he found a surprising quantity of small Pokémon- Rattata, Pidgey, and the like- seemingly gathering around a spot just outside the cave.
As he approached, the critters scattered, and he lowered himself to the ground to inspect the object that had attracted such attention. It was unlike any object he had seen before. The object had 6- no, 5?
I must have been sleeping too long. It’s clearly only 5. And yet… The Legendary Pokémon had the distinct feeling that it was SUPPOSED to be six, like he had seen for a moment what SHOULD have been there, rather than what was. He looked at the symbol at the top, against the largest edge of the object.
That’s the humans’ symbol for Psychic Pokémon. Half of it. This is only half of… whatever it is. Where’s the rest?
He looked around and could find no clue as to the whereabouts of the other object. Wherever it was, it wasn’t here.
He looked at the strange symbols, obviously some form of text, that covered the bottom half of the object. Equally obviously, only half of the text was there.
This is strange. Very strange…
“I think it was up here somewhere, Pikachu!”
The Legendary Pokémon whipped around toward the sound of the voice. A human?! I should have sensed them before they got anywhere near here! I need to-
Too late. The human in question came into view with a familiar yellow Pokémon on his heels before stopping in his tracks as he saw the Legendary Pokémon. Come to think of it, the human was familiar, too…
“Woah. What kind of Pokémon is that?”
The Legendary Pokémon’s eyes widened.
He knew that voice.
He knew this human.
“Hey… it looks kinda familiar, dontcha think? And why’s it staring at us?”
The Legendary Pokémon shook his head, gathering his wits.
Why are you staring at me? He asked the human telepathically.
The boy’s eyes widened, as he stepped back in surprise.
“It can talk?!”
The Legendary Pokémon reflected that that was practically the same response as-
No. It never happened. There was no “last time.”
With a jolt of alarm, he realized he said that aloud.Nothing. Forget that. What are you doing here?
The boy took a moment to focus, obviously getting over the “talking to a rare Pokémon” thing. He reached into his bag, pulling out an object.
“This thing fell out of the sky in front of us last night.” He held it up for the Legendary’s inspection. “We thought we saw another one land somewhere around here.”
The Legendary held up his own object. It was a perfect match- almost. The purple one, held by the Legendary, only covered half of the human’s yellow one, which was adorned with the Electric-Type symbol.
“They match. But where’s the rest of yours?”
I am uncertain.
Suddenly, a sheen seemed to cover the object for a moment, before fading. The Legendary Pokémon felt a gentle tug as the object began to pull at his hands. He drifted along in the direction it wanted to go, for a moment, before looking at the bewildered human.
I have no clue what these objects are, and it seems you don’t, either. But it seems this one wants to go someplace.
As he turned away, continuing in the direction the object indicated, the human called out.
“Hey, where are you going?”
Where ever it wants to take me. I have need for some entertainment.
“I want to go, too! It could be related to the one I have, too!”
Absolutely not. You need to go away.
“I’m coming, and that’s that! Right, Pikachu?”
You cannot fly.
He grinned. “That’s what you think! Pidgeot, I choose you!”
He hurled a pokeball into the air, and a large bird Pokémon appeared with a cry. The human beckoned, and it landed so he could climb on its back. “Lead the way!”
With a sigh, the Legendary Pokémon realized he would never get rid of this human, short of erasing his memories. He was tempted to do so, before a small, guilty voice in his head reminded him he had done that once already with this particular human.
Very well. But you’ll have to keep up!
“You’re on!”
As the Legendary Pokémon rose into the air, followed by the young human on his Pidgeot, Pikachu on his shoulder, the human called out over the wind.
“Oh, by the way! My name is Ash! What’s yours?”
I am known as Mewtwo.
I am lazy. I decided to retcon Ethan, making Ash the Johto protag as well as Kanto. I do plan to have May solo the Hoenn stuff… but I know nothing about her, and next to nothing on Hoenn, period. I would actually be thrilled if people could help me out, maybe by writing that part themselves! Somehow, some way, May needs to find Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre, who have the Flying, Ground, and Water plates respectively, and contain the respective portions of the “Plate Prophecy” shown next chapter.
I’m thinking Dawn may also take over as the Unova protag rather than whoever the flip it’s supposed to be, but considering I never had a real plan to involve the B/W/B2/W2 protag it doesn’t make much difference, except for her relations with the other Unova characters.
Ash: Kanto and Johto
May: Hoenn
Dawn: Sinnoh and Unova
Rei: Kalos and Hisui (Ancient Sinnoh)
Lillie: Alola
Gloria: Galar
Speaking of the other Unova characters…
——— Unova ———
The Legendary Pokémon awoke from her slumber. She looked around the cave that was her home, wondering what it was that had disturbed her. There were no humans about, that much was clear, and the local Pokémon allowed her to sleep in peace, when she needed it. She stretched, feeling the blood flow through her system. It was second nature to sleep in the position she did, namely, floating in the air with her legs bent and arms crossed, but it didn’t do to stay in the position for too long.
Wondering how long she’d slept, the Legendary Pokémon began to wander, passing by the denizens of the cave who greeted her kindly. Nodding at them, she floated silently through the air, not really paying attention to her surroundings but heading for the general direction of the cave’s exit. Once she got there, she found a surprising quantity of small Pokémon- rattata, pidgey, and the like- seemingly gathering around a spot just outside the cave.
As she approached, the critters gave her room, and she lowered herself to the ground to inspect the object that had attracted such attention. It was unlike any object she had seen before. The object had 6- no, 5?
I must have been sleeping too long. It’s clearly only 5. And yet… The Legendary Pokémon had the distinct feeling that it was SUPPOSED to be six, like she had seen for a moment what SHOULD have been there, rather than what was. She looked at the symbol at the top, against the largest edge of the object.
That’s the humans’ symbol for Psychic Pokémon. Half of it. This is only half of… whatever it is. Where’s the rest?
She looked around and could find no clue as to the whereabouts of the other object. Wherever it was, it wasn’t here.
She looked at the strange symbols, obviously some form of text, that covered the bottom half of the object. Equally obviously, only half of the text was there.
This is strange. Very strange…
She decided to take it. Flying off, she headed for the forest she knew that friendly Zoroark frequented. Perhaps he would know something about it.
——— One fly later ———
The Legendary Pokémon touched down in front of the Zoroark’s home, after checking to make sure no humans- no real humans- were around. She disliked humans far less than she used to, but still could not understand why this particular Zoroark had taken it upon himself to take their shape and live among them. But-
The door opened, and a man with messy green hair appeared on the other side of it, grinning when he recognized the Legendary Pokémon.
“Mewtwo! Long time no see! Come in, come in! It’s good to see you.”
He shut and locked the door behind her as she entered, also making sure to close the blinds. Mewtwo would have been worried by this if, 1, it was any other man, which it wasn’t, and 2, she wasn’t capable of blasting this house apart with ease, which she was.
Hello, N. It is good to see you, as well… I hope I have not come at a bad time.
N had said before that her manners needed some work, and hoped she had phrased that properly.
N grinned, seemingly pleased by her words, which relieved her. “On the contrary! I can always make time for my favorite Legendary Pokémon! Err… favorite Psychic legendary Pokémon. Don’t tell Zekrom.”
Mewtwo smiled. She had not known him long, but they had met often and understood one another well. She considered him the closest thing to a friend she ever had.
“I hope you don’t mind if I make myself comfortable, do you?”
Mewtwo shook her head. Not at all.
She watched with interest as a sudden *poof!* of cloud obscured his form- wait, did that cloud have the word “poof!” In it?- and when the cloud cleared, the man was gone, and in his place stood a smiling Zoroark.
“Ah, that feels good.” He said, stretching his now much more slender features. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being human, but it’s always nice when I get the chance to be myself- claws, snout, this lovely mane of fur-
Ah, I’m rambling. So!” N the Zoroark hopped on a chair as Mewtwo tried and failed to make herself comfortable on one of the couches, to N’s amusement.
“While you’re here, I was wondering if you could help me with something.”
That’s funny. I was coming here to ask YOU for help.
N looked intrigued. “Well, you’re the guest, so you go first. What’s up?”
Mewtwo held up the mysterious object that had fallen outside her cave, explaining how she had found it.
“Wait a sec…” N hopped up and walked over to a table, before picking up a black object and bringing it back for Mewtwo to see. He held it up against her object. It lined up perfectly. Mewtwo’s object, however, only covered half of N’s, confirming her suspicion that she held only half of whatever her object was. N proceeded to explain how his had fallen from the sky right in front of him some hours ago.
Well, yours is the completed product. Or should I say, a different one. Yours is black, mine’s purple. Is that the Dark-type symbol?
N grinned, exposing his canine fangs. It was a somewhat more menacing look in his Zoroark’s form, if Mewtwo had to be honest with herself.
“Yeah, it is. I’d know it anywhere, naturally. And look at this-“
He indicated the words scrawled in glowing white across the bottom. Unlike the ones on hers, these were legible.
“Turning back the Darkness with Light…” that’s… it?
“I know, that’s what I was thinking! But now that I’ve seen yours, I’m sure it’s part of some bigger text. Zekrom told me these are called Plates, related to a being called Arceus. I’m guessing they’re all part of it.“
He was interrupted by a knock at the door, changing his appearance to that of human once more out of reflex. He looked at Mewtwo, worried.
“You go hide in the kitchen. I’ll go see what they want.”
Mewtwo took his advice, ducking around the corner, listening to the sound of N opening the door. He greeted whoever was there, then appeared in the kitchen.
“You’re gonna want to see this.” He said, gesturing for her to follow him.
After a moments hesitation, she did so, following him to the door. She saw a young boy with spiky black hair… and behind him-
What in the world?! She exclaimed, as the Pokémon that looked just like her asked the very same thing.
Ash was bewildered as the man stepped back to reveal a Pokémon that looked just like Mewtwo. He of course had never seen a Mewtwo before, but for some reason he couldn’t explain, he didn’t think there was more than one of them. And from Mewtwo’s reaction, HE didn’t think there were others of his kind, either. Suddenly, without warning, Mewtwo glared at the man and raised a hand, the man clutching at his neck as he rose into the air under the Pokémon’s apparently Psychic powers.
It appears I’ll have to teach you the same lesson I taught Team Rocket!
“Mewtwo! Stop! What are you doing?!” Ash yelled.
Ending something I thought I ended long ago-
Mewtwo was suddenly launched backwards, the man landing to the ground, gasping, as the Pokémon was blasted by an attack from the other Mewtwo.
Stop this, Ash heard her- the voice was feminine- say.
N is not one of the bad humans. He is a friend.
The man- N- rose to his feet and chuckled. “I didn’t know you cared, Mewtwo.”
Mewtwo also rose to his feet, and began floating towards the other one, before coming to a halt just inches in front of her. He squinted, and Ash had the feeling the two were now in communication with one another- speaking, possibly, at a rate as fast as thought itself. The two stood facing each other for a few minutes, before Mewtwo- the male one- backed away slightly. He looked at N.
It appears I was… hasty in my judgements. He glared at his counterpart, as if challenging her to say more. She shrugged, and so did N, realizing as Ash did that this was as close to an apology as N was going to get from him.
Now, that that’s over with, it appears we have all gathered here for a similar reason. And you, my counterpart, have something I have been seeking.
He brushed past N and the other Mewtwo- the former muttering “Sure, come in, why not,” under his breath as Ash followed the others behind him.
When they were all inside, Mewtwo pointed at a nearby table and telekinetically lifted two objects from it. One was a black version of the weirdly shaped object Ash had shown Mewtwo before. The other was an exact replica of the one Mewtwo had.
Ash nodded, bringing the two objects he had stored in his backpack out. When he dragged out the half-object, it flew from his hands and joined to the one Mewtwo now held, sealing together with a flash of purple light. The completed Psychic symbol at the top lit up, and the lines of text flashed, and suddenly changed into legible words.
“‘The power of mind…’ well… that’s helpful. About as useful as the one on mine,” N said, gesturing to the words on the Dark object. Ash read the brief inscription.
“Do you think there’s more of it?” He asked. N nodded.
“Just before you came here, I was telling Mewtwo that these are called Plates. The Plates of Arceus, to be exact.”
Who is this Arceus? Mewtwo asked.
“I’ll answer that once you tell me who YOU are.” N retorted.
“Oh, my name is Ash, I’m from Pallet town in Kanto!” Ash said.
N looked at him. “Thanks. My name’s N, as you already know. I was really more concerned with your friend there. I thought there was only one Mewtwo.”
As did I, both Mewtwos said simultaneously.
The one from Kanto turned to N. My counterpart tells me you already know of her origins. Mine are similar, only I was closer to the Team Rocket base of operations in Kanto, rather than some Unova satellite lab. It appears they predicted something going wrong with me and created this one- he gestured to the other Mewtwo- as a backup.
N nodded in understanding even as Ash shook his head in confusion.
“Team Rocket? Labs? Backup? What are you ON about, Mewtwo?”
Mewtwo appeared to sigh. I was afraid of this. He approached Ash and laid a hand on Ash’s forehead, closing his eyes for a moment.
Ash felt a sudden rush overcome him as he passed out.
“What did you do to them?! N’s voice.
Calm down. I was simply lifting a memory block that I had placed on them before. Mewtwo’s voice.
A memory block?
The other Mewtwo.
Yes. After I destroyed the lab I was created in, I ended up doing some… regrettable things. Things involving Ash. To Ash, even. It was simpler to lift the memory block I placed on him and Pikachu at the time and deal with the consequences of my actions rather than explain it all to him. He’s survived worse than sensory overload, trust me. He’s coming to now.
Ash groaned. The new Mewtwo knelt beside him, Pikachu cradled in her arms.
Ash groaned again. He looked at Mewtwo, and remembered. The island, the challenge, the clones.
“I remember now… how could I have forgotten all that?”
As I was telling these two, I altered your mind to make you forget what transpired that day. You woke up in the Pokémon center on the mainland with all the others involved, and all thought you passed out in some sort of freak Sleep Powder-based accident. I did not think I would ever need to restore your memories… but you and Pikachu are the only ones I made a removable block for, rather than erase the memories entirely. I suppose I did that because I knew, at some point, I would want you to remember again. So I could… apologize.
Mewtwo looked away, and Ash had the distinct feeling he was embarrassed about it. What I did that day was wrong. What nearly happened to you was wrong. I have lived my entire life following that incident living in shame. But I could never bring myself to approach you, to restore that memory. I told myself I was saving you from unnecessary trauma in this way, but I know the truth. I was afraid.
He looked back at Ash, who was surprised to see tears glistening at the corner of the Pokémon’s eyes.
You helped me realize the error of my ways, Ash. You were stronger than me in so many ways I never realized. And I nearly killed you!
He suddenly rushed Ash, picking him up and embracing him in a fierce squeeze, tears streaming down his face.
Please, Ash, forgive me. I thought I could make the regret go away by ignoring the problem, but it only made it worse, so much worse. I need you to forgive me. I’m begging you, forgive-
“I forgive you.”
Me- huh?
Ash returned Mewtwo’s embrace. “I know you never really meant to hurt me, Mewtwo. You were angry with the evil people who created you. You were confused, questioning who you were all the time. Nobody should have to live like that, and I’m sorry that it happened to you. And besides, it was kinda dumb of me to get in the way of your fight with Mew. You’re forgiven.”
Mewtwo squeezed Ash a little harder. You’re too kind, Ash. If more humans were like you… perhaps-
“I don’t know what kinda mushy feelings-fest is going on here, but I’ve only been getting half the conversation. Can we wrap this up?” N interjected.
“Pika-pi!” Ash turned as Mewtwo suddenly released him and picked up Pikachu from the other Mewtwo’s arms. “You need to forgive him too, Pikachu.”
Pikachu glared at Mewtwo, who was apparently salvaging what he could of his reputation by wiping the tears from his face and crossing his arms, trying to look nonchalant.
I suppose I deserve it, Ash. Pikachu cares for you quite a lot. It can’t be easy for him to forgive me. You should be honored to have such a fine friend.
Ash simply nodded in agreement, chuckling to himself as it seemed Mewtwo was back to his usual, dour self. A sudden motion caught the corner of his eye as the mysterious objects began to slowly rise from the table and start floating towards the door. He looked at the Mewtwos, who both shook their heads.
When ours did this, it led us to you, the Kantonian Mewtwo said to the others. Perhaps, now, they’ll lead us to the rest.
N yawned. “Tie em down for now. I haven’t slept in ages, and I don’t think Ash has, either. We’ll follow them in the morning.”
——— Kalos ———
“C’mon, Clemont! It went this way!” Rei yelled back at his friend.
“Yeah, come on big brother! How can you be so slow all the time?” Asked Bonnie.
“You’re not the one carrying this pack around, Bonnie! Aw, geez, why did I have to suggest following it? We should be asleep right now!”
“I’m not tired at all! I think you’re just a whiner.”
Rei interrupted the bickering siblings as they entered a wide clearing. “That must be it!” He exclaimed, pointing to an object that lay in the center.
The three rushed toward it and examined the mysterious object. Rei gasped in surprise. He looked at Clemont and Bonnie, who were busy trying to figure out what it was. As Clemont reached for it, Rei knocked his hands away.
“Careful, Clemont! Do you have any idea what this is?”
Clemont glared at Rei, nursing his stinging hand. “That’s what I was trying to figure out!”
Rei looked at the hurt look on his friend’s face- and the hurt hand- and chuckled. “Sorry, Clemont. I got a little more excited than I meant to.”
“Some way to show excitement,” Bonnie muttered, as Rei gingerly picked up the object, noting the Grass symbol at its top, and clutched it to his chest.
“We need to be very careful with this. It’s extremely important. The question is, though, why is it here?”
That’s something I’d like to know, as well.
The trio whirled around, trying to figure out where the voice came from.
Or better yet…
They all shrieked, and Rei nearly dropped the plate, as a large, familiar red-and-black Pokémon dropped from the sky to land in front of them, glaring down at them.
Why are YOU here? Demanded Yveltal, Pokémon of Death.
“I-It can speak?!” Clemont asked, pulling Bonnie behind him.
Yveltal glared at him. I’m not even going to dignify that with a response. He turned to Rei. I asked you a question, why are you here?
When Rei didn’t answer, Yveltal took notice of the object held to his chest. His eyes narrowed. Hand over the Plate, Human.
Rei clutched the Plate tighter, glaring at the Reaper Pokémon. “Over my dead body, then! Like I’d trust YOU with a Plate of Arceus!”
That seemed to surprise Yveltal. How do you know that name?
Rei realized that he may have made a mistake. “Uh- well-“
Yveltal came closer, looming over him. Answer the question, boy.
Yveltal, be nice. You’re scaring the humans.
All four whirled around as a tall, deer-like Pokémon with multi-colored antlers entered the clearing.
You never let me have any fun, Xerneas. Humans deserve some terror. Besides-
You’ve already terrorized these humans once, Yveltal.
Did I?
Yveltal looked over the bewildered group, seeming to reassess them.
Now that you mention it, they do seem familiar. I tend to get groggy when I first wake up from my slumber.
And cranky. You Oblivion Wing’ed half a dozen people.
They deserve it for waking-
Suddenly, a black-and-green canine walked into the clearing, standing next to Xerneas. Bonnie shrieked with joy, interrupting the two Legendary Pokémons’ exchange. “Squishy!” She exclaimed, running over and wrapping her arms around the canine. “It’s so good to see you!”
Xerneas shuffled away from her companion in surprise. Squishy? That is not a proper form of address for the Protector! Get away from-
She was cut off by a low growl from the canine, which Bonnie tried to replicate.
Xerneas, perplexed, bowed down to the smaller Pokémon.
I- I understand. Forgive me, Bonnie. I had not known you and Zygarde were acquainted.
Rei glanced over at Yveltal, who seemed stunned into silence. “Speaking of the ‘waking up Yveltal’ incident, I thought you died”, he said, turning back to Xerneas.
Yveltal seemed to laugh. Xerneas? Die? It takes a bit more than curing a few Oblivion Wings for her to even temporarily die. As for permanently, well, even I couldn’t achieve that. My guess is, she simply went to sleep, going off on that “beginning new life” tangent she’s used for centuries.
Rei looked over at Xerneas, who somehow looked guilty.
“Why would she lie about that?” Asked Clemont.
Me, Xerneas, and Zygarde- the one you call “Squishy”- are among the oldest beings in the world. Between our longevity and our jobs, we agreed millennia ago not to make attachments, not that I have ever needed them. It seems Zygarde, however, has forgotten that.
Squishy growled at Yveltal, who only laughed. Bonnie, arms still wrapped around him, tried once again to mimic it.
The great and mighty Zygarde, a pet! “Squishy,” indeed!
Squishy shook off Bonnie, before leaping forward, jaws opened wide to attack the giant bird.
Zygarde, stop this!
Squishy stopped in his tracks at Xerneas’ reprimand, but still growled at Yveltal.
Clemont, in a move that was either brave or foolish, stood between the two. “Xerneas is right, there’s no need to for this. I’m happy to see you again, Squishy, and you, Xerneas. And while I can’t say I’m glad to see Yveltal again, I’m sure we’re not all here for pleasure. Rei?”
Rei nodded. “Clemont’s right. Why do you want the plate, Yveltal?”
Arceus has not graced our region with his presence for a very long time, Xerneas answered. When we sensed his power, we made our way here. How do YOU know of the Plate, though?
Before Rei could answer, Squishy let out a series of barks and growls, obviously communicating with Xerneas and Yveltal.
Oh. OH. That’s… interesting. Xerneas looked Rei up and down. I cannot believe I didn’t see it before. You are a very remarkable human, Rei.
Yveltal snorted. Lucky, more like. Arceus could’ve-
He was once again interrupted by a growl from Squishy.
I’m getting tired of you cutting me off, Zygarde.
Rei turned to the canine. “You know about… me going to Hisui?”
Xerneas and Yveltal looked at one another, then Rei, even as Squishy nodded.
Hisui?! Arceus not only graced you with his presence and sought your help, he sent you back in time?! That far?! Xerneas exclaimed.
Sweet Arceus, Xerneas, he’s THAT kid! HE’S the one who stopped Giratina all those centuries ago!
Rei was unnerved by the sudden attention he was getting from the two Legendary Pokémon. “Heh heh, yeah, that’s me! No biggie.”
“No biggie”?! Human, that is the very definition of a biggie!
Rei snorted at Xerneas’ choice of words.
“You went back in time?” Bonnie asked. “I thought time travel was impossible! Brother told me it’s one of the only things he can’t invent!”
As always, humans lack imagination, Yveltal retorted.
Not only is time travel possible, there are at least three Pokémon I know of capable of it, Arceus chief among them. In fact, I have been meaning to investigate some rumors that people in some distant region are getting their hands dirty in time travel.
“That still doesn’t explain things!” Clemont said. “Rei, is what they’re saying true?”
Rei sighed. “Sit down guys. I got a lot to tell ya.”
——— “A lot to tell ya” later ———
“And then, Arceus sent me back to the present, and I realized no time at all had passed! I was glad to be back with everyone again, but I do kinda miss all the friends I made back there, including my Pokémon… So!” Rei clapped his hands together as he concluded his tale. “Any questions?”
Clemont and Bonnie were wide eyed. Xerneas and Squishy had laid down on the grass to listen to the story, and Yveltal… was asleep.
Clemont began to speak.
Damn the questions! It’s already morning! In case you haven’t noticed, the Plate’s almost out of the clearing. So Yveltal apparently wasn’t asleep. Wait. What? Everyone turned in the direction indicated with a flap of Yveltal’s wing. The plate, while Rei had been talking, was sliding slowly along the ground.He rushed to grab it and secure it.
It’s heading in the direction of Sinnoh. I recommend you humans get some sleep. If it’s a summons from Arceus, then I imagine he’ll want his favorite human along. Zygarde, too. I hope you’ve got some flying Pokémon, because I am not carrying you all there myself.
——— Alola ———
Tbh I’d just rather Alola wasn’t involved at all but I can’t just skip over it and I DEFINITELY can’t leave Galar out of this story like I did with Paldea. However, like Hoenn, I don’t know it well enough to make something interesting. Suggestions or even requests to write this part for me are welcome. Lillie, friends with Nebby, needs to obtain the Flame Plate, containing a portion of the prophecy revealed in the next chapter.
——— Over the Ocean, Between Galar and Sinnoh ———
“You know, we never really got an explanation about the whole ‘Stealing Eternatus’ thing? How could you have claim to have had nothing to do with it, then say you did it? And why does that picture look like-“
I see an Island. Zamazenta said, cutting Gloria off.
Let’s land there, set up camp to rest for a while, and we can explain.
Once the camp was set up on the island, Gloria prepared some food for them and their other Pokémon.
“So. We gonna get that explanation, or what?” She asked.
Zacian huffed. It is impossible to fool our noses. And yet… the smell was ours. Different, somehow, but still ours. But, we also were sure to check where we knew we were during the time the crime was committed. We traced our tracks going back days. We never got close to the facility housing Eternatus, and never went anyplace we couldn’t remember having gone. And yet, in that vault and just outside of it, our scent. It was us, one hundred percent. And yet, it’s physically impossible.
“Well, that’s just helpful,” Hop remarked. “Now, what about-“
Yes. That. Zamazenta said.
As I’m sure you’re remembering, the only time my eyes have done anything like that was when those humans with the weird hair infused me with Galar Particles. Not an experience I wish to recall more than I must. But I do recall it. My mind was foggy, and I felt tremendous pain. All I wanted was to lash out at the world around me, with no regard for who or what I hurt. The leftover Galar Particles we scented not only suggested I was in this state once again, but so was Zacian. Of course, neither of us still currently reek of Galar Particles, another mystery. Was concerns me the most was the clear amount of thought that went into that robbery. It was clean. Efficient. I certainly couldn’t have pulled it off last I was influenced by Galar Particles.
Gloria put her hands on her head. “Let me get this straight. You don’t remember going there, have no gaps in your memory, have smelled yourselves being everywhere else, yet the vault reeks of your own scents. There’s also reason to suggest you were under the influence of Galar particles, but that, unlike the vault, don’t have lingering particles on you and couldn’t possibly have done it if you had?”
Both Wolves nodded.
You understand our dilemma. Hopefully, this summons from Arceus will provide answers, Zacian said. We still are heading in the right direction, correct?
Gloria nodded.
Good. Let us rest and continue traveling later. I suspect we are close to our destination.