I like eyes on the cap, it's more unique from other mushroom pokemon/fakemon.
Hisuian Decidueye is my favorite out of the bunch, and origin form Dialga looks like it tried swallowing a log but couldn't. I don't like either new origin form.
LOL tactical retreat, for once I typed lol and actually laughed.
Also your logic makes some since anime wise, but game wise it doesn't since mew doesn't have the same stats or STAB or ability or cry/sound or niche as someone's favorite pokemon in a game.
I only voted shinig peral because of how hated it is. I went to several stores that had about 15 copies of shining peral each, not a single copy of brilliant diamond to be seen anywhere I went. Poor palkia.
I immediately responded on this post when I saw it, I saw the warning post about it afterwards.
Innaproprate user, problably a troll, has started spamming.
It gets cringe at times, characters like serena and mallow exist, and in some series Ash acts so dumb. But overall it's a good enough anime to keep watching.
Oshawatt/Dewott/Samurott(Melee attacker), Turtonator(Ranged defender), problably biased but goomy/sligoo/Goodra(Allrounder)
Oh god no! Why is that thing!?
Ohh, yes yes yes
My fav is Reshiram, though my first game was Black 2. My favorite alternate form is shiny primal Groudon.
If I'm rescuing them from an earthquake 3 of them can allready fly and I hate intelion so that leaves salazzle.
A whale somehow obtained a big lego set and deemed me worthy enough of the sacred treasure.
I shall never again have a peacefull night of rest.