What pokemon is worth a Marshadow, and which one is worth a Volcanion?
I was also thinking about Blacephalon, he's such a good Pokemon to me.
Uno, la la la
Nice, nobody's stopping you here.
Didn't Turtwig get like a 0% win rate after it evolved?
I don't have any Pokemon named "PokeGens.com" or "thtable.com" or something like that.
I mean like in trading, what Pokemon would be worth a Marshadow?
Which pokemon is worth what I mentioned, not money, I don't want to use sites where u can buy pokemon.
Poison because it has weed on its face.
What pokemon is worth a Marshadow, and which one is worth a Volcanion?
Uradium, and its evolved form, Chernoboom.
Ok good.
No, you're taking a picture.
If you mean one copy of it dies, then I will get Reshiram, dupe it, then trade that for another Zekrom.
It's Nintendo's fault they did that, but hey, they're still pretty great.