It's obvious it won't. It's the highest grossing franchise in the world after all. However, it has become evident with SV that Nintendo/Game Freak/The Pokemon Company no longer cares about the main series as much as they did once. It's quite obvious that SV was rushed, however I think it was rushed so they could pump out some new Pokemon before Pokemon Go and the other cash cows could catch up with all the current Pokemon. They're also running out of ideas. It is my personal hot take that regional variants, though amazing in most cases, are a living example of recent uncreativity in Pokemon designs. Not to mention that in several cases, Gen 9 Pokemon have been "inspired" or straight up copied by popular Fakemon created by the community (Scovillain, Palafin, Sandy Shocks etc.) I think it's about time this franchise was put to rest. Otherwise, the quality will continue to deteriorate as people still swallow the crap that they pump out on a somewhat yearly basis.