So, when regional forms were introduced, it was said the Alolan Exeggutor was the original, while the one from Gen 1 onwards was thw regional forms.
Well we thought it would be interesting to do the same with Convergent Evolution Pokémon.
So we have an idea for a convergent evolution form of the Porygon line.
Basically they would be a species of duck or maybe dodo like Pokémon that would be Water/Electric. It was thought these Pokémon went extinct, and Silph Co made Porygon as a way to both pay respects to the Pokémon, but also to test if they can create an artificial Pokémon. However in the region this would be introduced, a new flock has been discovered, and now efforts to repopulate them is now in place.
So, thoughts? (We don't have art for what the line would look like)