Galvanized Boomburst Ampharos
Killer of Hitmonchan
Champion of the People
Fear Her, If You Dare
Galvanized Boomburst Ampharos
Killer of Hitmonchan
Champion of the People
Fear Her, If You Dare
Everybody hates Inteleon, Pelipper, and Unfezant?
Sadly, I couldn't really figure out how to do the hair for Lucas, so if it looks a bit wonky/awkward, that's why.
Tis I, Roost.
I haven't really done anything here this year, just a couple comments on posts once in a while (and just straight up nothing since May), so I wanted you, ya know, do something.
So I looked back and thought, I've grown a bit since I last did stuff here. Maybe so have my OCs!
And that's where this post comes in.
I'm here today to share the characters that starred in my (sadly incomplete) story Indigo Journeys, Angeo Grant and Lucas Middleton.
They went through many redesigns throughout their story's development, and then much more happened afterwards.
Angeo died, Lucas cut his hair... I believe Lucas went into the military... my guy Angeo managed to escape Hell and wound up dead but maybe alive? It's a whole thing.
Anyways, here's some art of them after the timeskip that it's been since I last shared anything of them.
Angeo Grant (Postmortal)
Lucas Middleton (Timeskip)
The reason that in parenthesis, they don't both say "Timeskip" is because Angeo has more designs (as his took longer to perfect) while I was satisfied with Lucas from the very beginning. So Angeo has I want to say 13 designs, while Lucas only has four (most of those 4 just showing the progression of time).
I hope you like them.
That'll be all for now.
Cool guy
Oh yeah, totally real
I pronounce it Manaphy Cynthia's Theme Volo's Theme
There ya go, enjoy le music.
I enjoyed Adventures in the Orange Islands, it was nice
It does exist
So true
Tasuian Mantine
I feel like Jack would be an interesting addition
Das rad.
False God
Could you draw a Zigzagoon, please?
The og one.
My Pokemon is depressed.
Pikachu! Use the toilet to devastate the village!
My favourite Pokemon is wireless.
Ash is such a pillow.
Gigantamax diminish is the best.
Zigzagoon evolves into Linoone = Igzag Lennon has developed along with his progress.