The World of the Unconscious is a mysterious dimension where dead Pokemon get sent after they die, with their resurrected bodies wandering the land. Very little is known about it, as the revived bodies of dead Pokemon only see it. Here’s the most famous photo a group of scientists took:

Fauna: Soft watches: These creatures are presumably the dominant species of this weird dimension. They resemble non-functioning soft pocket watches. They are often sluggish creatures but also highly intelligent. The females can have colour ranging from vibrant red to copper. They have lids that can close and open, similar to a Shellder. The males don’t have lids, showing it’s face. The watch’s hands act as antennae, with the tips of the hands acting as eyes. The numbers on the males act as a sense of smell. After a group of scientists managed to get into this dimension, they took only one photo, which was the one that is seen on the top, a group of soft watches jumped out of nowhere, and mauled the scientists to death, leaving nothing but human bones.
Ants: A fairly common arthropod. They often gather in swarms, being the most common spots being on the lids of female soft watches, on a locust’s abdomen, and on canyons.
Flies: A uncommon arthropod. They are solitary and are pollinators in this land, as a way for plants, like crutches to grow.
Locusts: A rare giant arthropod. They are renowned for being fiercely aggressive, also theorized to be the apex predator of this land. But fortunately, they were starved to extinction by the the soft watches, who were smart enough to escape from the locusts.
Distorted heads: These weird heads seem to be uncommon, and theorized to be very tough. But despite this, they are fortunately non-sentient.
Crutches: A type of fungus. They seem to be highly intelligent fungi, by tricking flies into feeding on its pollen, to spread it even further,