Just a friendly reminder that if you don’t like the new games don’t play them :) all you’re doing by whining is discouraging game freak from making improvements and trying new things so please do us all a favor and stop :)
39 Votes in Poll
Oshawott Victini Reuniclus
39 Votes in Poll
Dodrio is an interesting pick. May I ask why that one in particular?
I think peace and war isn’t gonna happen because war is a huge topic for little Timmy and his pet pikachu
Or gyarados. Or cramorant. Plus electric is already such an offensively powerful type it’s easier not to fuel the fire
Can we get a link to the 4chan post?
I just hope it’s not water/flying we already have so many
Just a friendly reminder that if you don’t like the new games don’t play them :) all you’re doing by whining is discouraging game freak from making improvements and trying new things so please do us all a favor and stop :)
Crawrock should be renamed to Crocs’n’socks
An hour after thanksgiving dinner
Porygon 2 the electric boogaloo
Honestly same. Although I am open about being bi but still yeah I really like N’s character
Well what stat increasing item? This is obviously for a competitive team of some sort and the only held items that boost special defense (that I’m aware of) is an Eviolite which doesn’t work for obvious reasons and an Assualt vest which would stop him from using dragon dance
@Jaxoon Jessie 2 The electric boogaloo
Dracovish/Dracozolt (I think zolt is cooler)
I think steel dragon or ice would be cool to so
Can someone please explain to me why Furfrou Vivillon and Kubfu are three of the most popular Pokémon on the gts on Pokémon home??? Kubfu I understand but furfrou?? I don’t understand a thing anymore
Who is everybody’s unite main? Personally I play zeraora and talon flame but I’m trying to get into slowbro too (side note please please please don’t follow your jungler into the jungle it makes your entire team much weaker)
What game is it from? Maybe that’ll tell us something
Ultra sun as it has much higher difficulty while still having one of the best stories in the series