Does any 1 think Lucius might B Liko's ancestor or something? Seeing as his Terapagos along with his belongings were in Diana’s childhood home and his physical appearance resembles Liko. Don't U think?
12 Votes in Poll
12 Votes in Poll
Does any 1 think Lucius might B Liko's ancestor or something? Seeing as his Terapagos along with his belongings were in Diana’s childhood home and his physical appearance resembles Liko. Don't U think?
I hope they make an appearance! Bcause that would B awesome.
Do U guys think in the last episode of Pokemon: Aim to Be a Pokemon Master Ash will catch Latias or something?
I get the feeling latias will appear in this 1 too.
How will this series end, what will Ash and Pikachu do next, who else will appear in this mini series and will Team Rocket finally give up on trying 2 catpure Pikachu or will they still continue their pursuit?
Let's just hop Ash and Pikachu and mayb a few other characters will appear in the new pokemon series as guest characters.
Didn't Misty and Togetic part ways in Advance generation.
I just hope Goh and Ash don't part ways in this episode.
1.What will the Synopsis?
2.What is the plot of the episode?
3.And which characters and pokemon will appear in it?
Finally the battle Btween Ash and Leon approaches. But the real question is who will win Ash or Leon? And who will win the title of Monarch?
I don't know hasn't been any announcements or previews of it yet. Son how can it B an official episode yet?
But how? It hasn't been announced as of yet.
Is that an official episode or is that just a rumour heard off the internet?
Really 1APeculiarPerson1?
U guys know Alec from Pokémon: Hisuian Snow? Well how old is he when he was a child and then as a adult?
Well I'm still a little concerned.
I'm wondering what the outcomes 4 these battles will B? I mean I know Leon will beat Diantha but I'm worried bout the battle between Ash and Cynthia Aftr see the trailer 4 the upcoming episodes I'm worried how the battle between Ash and Cynthia will B?
Will we've seen the battles and outcomes with Leon VS Alain and Lance VS Diantha. But what bout Cynthia VS Iris and Ash VS Steven what will the outcomes 4 those battle be and who will win and procced 2 the semifinals along with Leon and Diantha?
Lets see we known it's Leon vs Alain, Iris vs Cynthia, Lance vs Diantha, and Ash vs Steven for the Masters tournament. But the question is who will win each of these battles? And who who will B given the opportunity 2 battle Leon and Bcome Monarch?