The male Pyroar that spawns on the Lion King Pride Rock easter egg, the one that represents Mufasa himself, just happened to be shiny for me.
Here's a few
My first was in Pokemon Y. It was a Spoink, no shiny charm. I still have the Grumpig it evolved into to this day
I found a wormhole shiny Yanmega in USUM with my 3DS in the theater watching The Last Jedi, so I named it Rey.
That Pyroar that always spawns on the pride rock easter egg in Indigo Disc was shiny for me.
Shiny Scizor was CRAZY. I reconnected with one of my old friends and asked if they had a shiny Scizor. He said no. 15 minutes later bro comes back "Uhhh...I just found a shiny Scizor in a Max Raid...". I thought he was lying because of the unlikelihood if it. Sure enough, based on its history and my ability to rename it, it was 100% legit.
The rest of my shinies were just done the traditional way: grinding. Most notably:
Shiny Archen via the Masuda Method. Took me weeks running up and down the observatory road in USUM on my Tauros.
My only fishing chain shiny was in ORAS and it was a Corphish
I found multiple shinies in Max Raids. (Morelull and Lurantis, ie). Oddly, never once found one outside a raid in Sw/Sh.
Wait till you hear of this wacky place called "Paris"
Excuse me parasite guy? I thought the first one was an inflated tick and my hackles went up
Cosmog can just teleport itself into Shin Gojira's heart.
I don't think you can get banned for having hacked mons lol. I've had hacked Pokemon since Pokemon Bank on the 3DS. All that happened was that the Pokemon themselves were banned from battles and other online features. Regardless, that could be from Dynamax Adventure on Crown Tundra. That's how I got my shiny Giratina. The Pokérus does make it a bit sus tho
You forgot to say Golem a third time
Name her....Jennifer
I wanna be the very best
My inner demons.
I have to name him Mufasa! I really wish I got to record the moment I saw him standing there overlooking the savannah. Looks a lot more like Mufasa than a regular Pyroar.
Also it seems Mufasa has blessed us all, looking at the shiny Litleo one of you came across. Only 15 seconds after finding this, I came across a shiny Magby. (I killed it, but its still kinda cool)
The male Pyroar that spawns on the Lion King Pride Rock easter egg, the one that represents Mufasa himself, just happened to be shiny for me.
I agree with the previous Carracosta mention.
Quite the paradox. A product of my sane insanity.
@Flash-Gold-Echo Someone named after a tree probably. Professor Christmas Tree. Named the holiday after himself
@OrdinaryLawnDefender Dont think you needed /jk for us to know you were joking about getting a thermonuclear warhead for Christmas lol
Looks like Ursaluna