Of the shows I know out of these (Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh and bakugan) non of them are Pokémon clones or parodies, but if I had to pick a favourite of these it would be either Yu-Gi-Oh or Digimon
Charizard is obviously overrated I mean it most be when literally the only time anyone talks about it is to say it's overrated 🙄
Anyway my genuine answer is probably greninja I like it but I feel the way people still love it just as much as they did when came out 9 years ago makes it overrated
To be fair I don't think I'd pick a Kanto one anyway, there's non I actively dislike from Kanto but non of them would be any of my favourites for fighting typy
Yes it's the best Pokémon game in years if not ever
What about ursaluna?
Simiseas, sage and pour people seem to hate them and I don't get why, there buy no means the best Pokémon but there far from the worst
Bianca and cheren
As you progress through certain points of the game new spawns become available in the grand underground so just keep checking back as you go along, also the site I checked said grassland cave which I believe is part of the underground so find that then keep checking
Id take over team yell and turn them into a proper evil team
Good luck would not like to try a single type team on that game
Frogs are amphibious reptiles
But the snivy line is still pure grass
You said chikorita was the only grass starter without a second type until grookey came along, treeko and snivy both stay pure grass through the hole line apart fr mega sceptile but that was introduced 3 generations after treeko
Favourite - hisuian goodra
Least- probably overquil
I thought they were good games, however I do agree with people that say they should have added more of the platinum features, much like how oras added emerald features
Eliminate Brock
Save oshawott
Ash and Pikachu
Oshawott for the win
I clicked chikorita by mistake meant to put cyndaquil