Honestly, inteleon destroys competitively, snipe shot everything and you’re ready to go.
Then that’s just a coincidence... mainly if they aren’t 6ivs and don’t have the same OT
If I have time, I can breed u something good with good IVS.
Not wanting to be rude but...
Legendaries on a gym is kinda non-sense, also, two solgaleos? Oof
Poison or electric.
Poison: gmax toxtricity, skuntank, seviper, scolipede, gengar, toxicroak
Electric: Luxray, Zebstrika, dracozolt, gmax toxtricity, galvantula, mega manectric.
Pretty sure so.
(Cuz I found all on sword and my friends all on shield, therefore, not a version exclusive).
Centiskorch, Sandaconda and drednaw aren’t version exclusives, they’re available in both games.
For therizinosaurus? Sounds cool, but eh..
1: Zarude
2: 4X bug weakness for a fossil, and for a THERIZINOSAURUS, it’s just sad and weird
3: game freak most likely will never stop with the rock typing oof
I mean-
Therizinosaurus was a herbivore, and the theory of why and how it had such big claws was to help him eat food (leafs from tall trees) and for protection from predators. And I unfortunately don’t think gamefreak will stop with the rock (insert other typing here) combo for fossils that soon.... after all, they’re usually found attached to rocks, though I do admit it’s getting kinda annoying how most end up being always weak to water.. a dilophosaurus would be AMAZING though, rock poison sounds great but the 4X weakness to ground is a bit disappointing...
I mean-
Being honest, we don’t know if they stopped with the rock type.. after all, the gen 8 fossils are incomplete, all of them are missing 1 type each, so I’m pretty sure they’re all going to have the rock type aswell. But yeah, I agree, spino should get a fossil... unfortunately, I can only see it as rock/water or water/rock and/or rock/dragon or dragon/rock... which are typings that are already used... though a therizinosaurus sounds cool, like grass/rock?
There’s already a velociraptor though.
The “Zolt” fossils are based off the velociraptor, though we have never seen it complete, it basically translates to that in Japanese, therefore, we already do have a velociraptor fossil, so I go with spinosaurus.
Inteleon and dragapult, inteleon is just broken.
Oh lol, again, congrats!
Oh, congrats!
I don't have Pokémon GO, these 2 meltans were from giveaways (legit ones, not 6ivs thing), my classmate who has go is working on a melmetal, but only one since it's very hard to evolve it, and he'll give it to me, so i have no melmetals, they also go for like 2-3 shiny legendaries or 5 shinies, and I have a shiny gmax gengar already and a shiny haunter, so i'll have to pass, sorry.
I'm quite picky though lol, but as I said before, I have a spare meltan
It's pretty sad how it can't evolve oof
Wdym? Meltan can't evolve in Let's go nor SWSH, only in go, if you transfered meltan, it'll never evolve.