30 Votes in Poll
Wonderfully done, Leslie. I love the detail on the eyes and nose, especially the nose.
Hey, buddy. What’s up?
When people see Whitney’s Miltank rolling toward you but it misses, letting you deal the finishing blow.
What’s Header overflow?
Search your purse and reawaken the pizza pies.
Also, has anyone else been getting the 'header overflow' thing?
Frosslass and Annihlape.
^^^Distant scents call to a place that makes food in haste.
Treecko: Why does Treecko have a birth defect?
Fennekin: How can it hear?
Popplio: They fused a seal with a rodeo clown.
30 Votes in Poll
I'm going to bed. Goodnight, folks.
^^This. Pasta is the purest form of Italian goodness.
You don't? What do you like?
L.G.M.: The Hoverfroooooooog...
Buffalo chicken dip. It's delicious, and putting it on burgers makes it taste fantastic.
You ever try putting buffalo chicken dip on a burger?
It's okay.
I'm not sure. Again, sorry about that.
Sorry about that. I'm busy much of the time.