It took a long break, but a couple Kanto birds have became the legendary ones! (Fearow exploded cause he used actual fire)
37 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
It took a long break, but a couple Kanto birds have became the legendary ones! (Fearow exploded cause he used actual fire)
Galarian Articuno
I decided to make him lineless
Galarian Zapdos
I give Galar Zapdos a mask thing always
Galarian Moltres
He's insane
So I’ve got Violet, and apparently you can’t get Larvitar in that game, as it’s a Scarlet exclusive?
I used to have a Tyranitar, but my Switch got busted and I lost my file (and therefore the Tyranitar) when I got a new one.
If anyone have a Larvitar they’re willing to give up, I’d be really thankful! Like, SOOOOO THANKFUL.
I have like, this shiny Trevenant (level 5 😒)and an orange Zapdos (level 100 🤯) if you’d like that for the Larvitar. Yes. I’m willing to give that away for a Larvitar.
32 Votes in Poll
For me its Galarian Zapdos and Toedscool/Toedscruel (Idk if these two count but i'm including them anyways)
30 Votes in Poll
17 Votes in Poll
Most in need of names for moltres i think
Ive got tons of them and im looking to name all of them!
If you somehow forgot, gen 1 legends are Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.
Also, i do actually need names for my shiny galarian legendary birds as well, so my fav for that ill keep
Ive also got a couple shiny ones
(these are not hacked btw, all from pokémon go)
51 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
So, if any of you know about this, can you thell me what the heck is this?!
95 Votes in Poll
Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres?
Personally, my fav is Zapdos.