The Characters are now in Route 14. But they have met a surprise.
Grunt: Stop right there!
Zane: What's going on?
Grunt: You have gotten in our way all the time. I challenge you. If I win, you don't interfere.
Zane: If I win?
Grunt: We can't stop you.
Zane: Raichu.
Grunt: Magnezone.
Zane: Use Electro Ball.
Grunt: Use Mirror Shot.
The moves clash. A bright light is flashed, lowering both Pokemon's accuracy.
Zane: Use Discharge.
Grunt: Flash Cannon.
The beam blocks a few bolts, but the electricity shocks Magnezone.
Zane: Use Quick Attack.
Raichu dashes in and hits Magnezone.
Grunt: Use Wild Charge.
Zane: Wild Charge.
Raichu hits. It's hidden ability Lightning Rod kicks in, allowing it to absorb the electricity, boosting it's Sp. Atk. Raichu knocks back Magnezone.
Zane: Dig.
Raichu quickly digs into the ground.
Grunt: Use Flash Cannon.
As the beam hits the ground, Raichu erupts out. It takes damage, but withstands it, as Electric resists Steel. Raichu hits Magnezone, knocking it far across.
Zane: Use Electro Ball.
Grunt: Use Flash Cannon.
The beam counters.
Zane: Wild Charge.
Grunt: Steel-Strike.
Both 90 damage moves hit each other. Both Pokemon are knocked back with recoil.
Zane: Use Aerial Ace.
Flying in, Raichu hits Magnezone.
Grunt: Use Gyro Ball.
Zane: Use Wild Charge.
The force knocks both Pokemon back.
Zane: Use Discharge.
Grunt: Use Flash Cannon.
The beam blocks a few, but with Raichu's boosted Sp.Atk, it knocks out Magnezone.
Grunt: No. Fine, we'll leave.
They run through the route. The Grunt has something fall from his pocket.
It is a silver crystal.
Zane: A Z-Crystal. Steelium-Z. He must have it for his Magnezone.
Jake: Too bad you don't have a Z-Ring.
Jessie: According to the map, the next gym gives out a Z-Ring and a random Z-Crystal to the winners.
Jake: I can't wait for that badge.
They head in. Zane goes to the left. He runs into a Fletchinder.
Zane: Go, Raichu.
The Fletchinder charges in with Aerial Ace.
Zane: Wild Charge.
Raichu knocks it back.
Zane: Use Electro Ball.
The electricity does super effective damage.
Zane: Now, Aerial Ace.
Raichu knocks out Fletchinder with a critical hit.
Zane: Go, Pokeball.
Zane catches it. It is level 29. Breloom becomes level 31.
Fletchlinder has Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Ember, Flame Charge, and Razor Wind.
The next trainer has a Gloom and a Pidgeotto.
Zane: Go, Fletchinder.
Simon: Gloom, go.
Zane: Ember.
The flames singe Gloom.
Simon: Use Toxic.
Zane: Dodge and use Razor Wind.
Fletchinder dodges the cloud of poisonous gas and creates a whirlwind behind it.
Simon: Use Acid.
Zane: Fire.
The wind blows through the acid and hits super-effectively on Gloom.
Zane: Now, Flame Charge.
Simon: Petal Blizzard.
A twister of sharp leaves expands. Fletchinder blows through, taking some damage. She hits hard.
Zane: Now, Use Aerial Ace.
Fletchlinder blitzed right into Gloom.
Simon: Use Energy Ball.
Zane: Ember.
The moves clashed.
Zane: Use Aerial Ace and Flame Charge.
Flying in and cloaked with fire, Fletchlinder inflicting damage.
Simon: Use Cut.
Zane: Fly past and hit with Aerial Ace.
Gloom sharpens a leaf and closes in.
Flying past, Fletchinder dodges the slash and hits hard with Aerial Ace. Gloom faints. Fletchlinder grew to level 30.
Simon: Go, Pidgeotto.
Zane: Go, Starmie.
Simon: Use Aerial Dash.
Zane: Rapid Spin.
The first strike knocks Starmie off course. Starmie spins around and comes under. Pidgeotto comes in again. They clash. Starmie is knocked away.
Zane: Use Power Gem.
The super effective gem knocks Pidgeotto down.
Pidgeotto is falling towards the ground.
Zane: Now, use Psywave.
Pidgeotto is blown back.
It hits a tree.
Simon: Hang in there. Use Revenge.
With its talons, Pidgeotto slashes Starmie. It is 4x effective.
Simon: Use Aerial Ace.
Zane: Use Swift.
The stars stop Pidgeotto from reaching Starmie.
Zane: Use a Psywave powered Swift.
The stars are shot extremely fast. They hit from all sides.
Simon: Use Hurricane.
An extremely powerful gust blows Starmie all the way behind Zane.
Zane: Quickly, Rapid Spin.
With each side spinning a different direction to boost the power. It does extra damage.
Simon: Use Giga Impact.
Zane: Power Gem.
The force of the Giga Impact is enough to break the rock, but Pidgeotto is slowed down. When contact is made, Starmie takes damage.
Zane: Use Rapid Spin and a Psywave boosted Swift.
The powerful combo is enough to inflict big damage.
Pidgeotto can't move because of Giga Impact.
Zane: Now, Scald.
The hot water knocks out Pidgeotto.
Zane wins.
They regroup and go on.
As they proceed, they enter a cave.
Jessie: There are probably lots of rock types here.
Zane: Don't worry. Raichu use Dig.
Raichu makes a hole in the ground. It keeps tunneling.
Zane: Head in.
They climb through the hole. When Raichu stops digging, it comes out. They come out as well.
At the end is another legendary, Mew.
Zane notices a dot on it. It is flashing red.
Zane: The tracker.
Jake: If we take it off they can't track it and they'll have a lower chance of finding it.
Jessie: Beware, this is a very strong Pokemon. It has an unlimited amount of moves it can store.
Zane: Go, Fletchinder.
Jake: Go, Ludicolo.
Jessie: Go, Togekiss.
Mew fires Psyshock on Togekiss.
Jessie: Dodge and attack with Aerial Dash.
Togekiss flies past and delivers multiple quick strikes.
Mew uses Mimic on Togekiss.
Zane: Use Aerial Ace.
Jake: Knock Off. On the tracker.
Fletchinder hits hard, and Ludicolo uses Knock Off. It misses the tracker, but hits the midsection.
Zane: Use Flame Charge.
Fletchinder charges with fire. It knocks Mew through the air.
Mew uses the mimiced Aerial Dash. With the Normal Move, it lands and running quickly around Ludicolo, it hits it multiple times.
Jessie: Quickly, Hurricane.
The wind blows Mew away, but also does some damage to Ludicolo.
Mew prepares to use Dragon Tail on Ludicolo.
Jessie: Protect it, Togekiss.
Togekiss stands in front and gets hit, but takes no damage.
Zane: Use Razor Wind.
Jessie: Use Solar Charge.
Fletchinder generated a whirlwind. Togekiss charged solar energy with the grass move.
Jake: Use Scald.
Ludicolo fired hot water. It burned Mew.
Zane: Fire.
Jessie: Charge.
The sharp blades of wind cut from all sides. Powered with Solar Energy, Togekiss does 80 damage. It lowers Mew's Sp.Def and Def.
Jake: Knock Off.
This time, the tracker is hit. It hangs from Mew's neck.
Zane: Use Aerial Ace.
Mew is blitzed with a critical hit.
Jessie: Use Moonbeam. On the tracker.
Generating power from the moon, Togekiss fires a 55 damage beam that knocks the tracker off. In the night it is 1.5 the power, 83.
Despite the tracker being off, Mew still attacks. It uses Roar. All the Pokemon are pushed back into their Pokeballs.
Mew then flies away.
Jake: I have an idea. Let's put this tracker on a tree. It won't move, and we'll be tricking them.
Zane: Yeah, we should do that.
They then leave. Onto the city in a cave, Moonlight City, the home of the Fairy Gym.
The Journey Continues...