Pangoro: sucker punch (Even if it's not boosted by iron fist, its literally a dark type punching panda)
Dragapult: Shadow claw (if those claws are big enough for dragon claw, i see no problem with Shadow Claw)
Wooloo: Rollout
Tentacruel: Dark Pulse
Fearow: Brave Bird
Hisuian Decidueye: High Jump Kick (As a rowlet, they are stated to have powerful kicks, even in alola. Since it literally is fighting type now, it should get high jup kick)
I will do 3 stages with the first being easy, the second being medium and the last being hard.
Stage 1: Trevenant
Stage 2: Garchomp
Stage 3: Palossand
First person to guess all of these wins free air
I dont get why people are going crazy over Lechonk. It's a fat pig. There's nothing special about it. It's like when Wooloo was revealed. People went crazy over Wooloo, when Wooloo is nothing but a sheep. Also, Lechonk is a dumb name. It puts a "fellow kids" taste in my mouth.
And Pikachu
Are too flippin' overrated
Charizard is better than Pikachu
Oh and Team Yell sucks
It's a sheep
Yeah, it's cute but like
That's it
And it's not that interesting
There is no way I will believe otherwise
None of this:
Both Pokemon
Both on this wiki
Both exist
Both are creatures
Or anything like that
Propaganda then I expected regardless i dont expect anything but if i could see some that would be funny thanks
Mareep Is Better than wooloo
Cool poll about this topic:
I awoke from a nap earlier, started playing and to my drowsy surprise... saw this little one! Instead of a wild hype-fueled adrenaline rush. Nope, just a warm feeling of happiness inside^^
Welcome to the family you little bundle of joyous floof!
Now! My plan will be a simple one!
Once I have farmed up resources, Im bringing her up to Lv.100 without evolving, dumping Bottle Caps to fix her IVs and power her up!
(Because beefing up all those old gen mons annihilated my resources xD)
I'll cover this in a later post full Pokémon Exposé post in more detail.
Why am I not evolving her?
... Dubwool is... umm... Im not particulary fond of it.
And besides...
It does not roll around as a round floofy should!
53 Votes in Poll