Bringin' back an old (ish) one
Glaceon (I'm sorry)
Alolan Diglett
Galarian Meowth
Jolteon (I really like it)
Part 3:
I just beat the Trainer's school and I'm walking around the town with Lillie and Hau
Peony (Slowpoke)
Nature: Brave
Characteristic: Impetuous and silly
Level 7
Nezumi (Yungoos)
Nature: Naughty
Characteristic: Likes to run
Level 7
Pete (Wingull)
Nature: Lax
Characteristic: Impetuous and silly
Level 8
Pieckypieck (Pikipek)
Nature: Calm
Characteristic: Strongly defiant
Level 8
Erdbeere (Ledyba)
Nature: Quiet
Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown
Level 9
Hineko (Litten)
Nature: Naive
Characteristic: Good endurance
Leve 10
Ok, so my dad told me that he bought a snack that rhymes with a flying pokemon, and I could have some if I guessed right. He told me it evolves into Pelliper, so the pokemon was a Wingull. What snack was it?
Training up my previously mentioned team outside the E4 in platinum and happened to come across a shiny wingull, so I caught it and using my amazing and extraordinary intellectual abilities, I named it sprinkles, but I want my shinies to be special so if anyone minds, make up a backstory for sprinkles the wingull, I'll mention my favorite in a later post of the story.