FrostOrSomething·4/14/2024in Fan CreationsIngo as a deerI saw a Tumblr poll asking what animal Ingo would be, and one of the options was a deer. Anyways yeah it seemed like a good idea so yeah(He isn't a Wyrdeer because I didn't feel like it)(Edited by FrostOrSomething)Pokémon Legends: ArceusSubway Boss IngoWarden
VeryBigMan2·2/21/2024in Theories/OpinionsGym Leader/Elite 4 theme tier listSeeing how long I can push back the legendary theme tier list for Elite FourGym LeaderIsland KahunaWarden
Awesomefoxytime·8/20/2023in PollsFavorite Noble warden in PLA?(Srry if the images are blurry)wait a sec, this isn't young clay*slaps back of the head after cut*got nothing for herleader of the hollow cult or smthImpervious to leg injuriesfat cat(votes)Vote31 Votes in PollWardenMelliLianArezuNoble Pokémon
Awesomefoxytime·8/19/2023in Pollsfavorite ride warden in PLA?got nothing for herI can't reach Maria B ranyas Morera's age ;(first person with dustbopsophobiaBurabō, subarashī!Am I rEaLlY hAvInG fUn PlAyInG wItH yOu?votesVote47 Votes in PollPokémon Legends: ArceusSubway Boss IngoWardenSabiCalaba
Awesomefoxytime·2/16/2022in GeneralDaily promptFavorite warden of the Diamond and Pearl clan?ExCalaba of the mirelandsIscan of the coastlandWarden