Electrode has gathered around 8 Voltorb to orbit around him!
*Pluto not included. Each sold separately.
Im battling the elite four but i cant get past poppy!
Ive rematched her 6 times and i cant defeat her. the furthest i got was her tinkaton, and that was only once!
Here is my team:
Meowscarada- Lv.59
Hp- 158
Flower Trick
Seed Bomb
Grassy Terrain
Medicham- Lv.38
Hp- cant remember, 100 and something?
High Jump Kick
Force Palm
Revavroom- Lv.56 (fighting tera type- i always terastallize the revavroom)
Hp- 168
Tera Blast
Iron Head
Spin Out
Hp- 138
Fire Spin
Hp- 134
Mud Shot
Muddy Water
Aqua Tail
And lastly, either
Jumpluff- Lv.46 (held item: Big roots)
Bullet Seed
Fairy Wind
Giga Drain
Mega Drain
Or i use
Hisuian Voltorb- Lv.54
Seed Bomb
Electro Ball
Gyro Blast
Any suggestions? i need some feedback so please tell me how to build on this team thx
20 Votes in Poll
I just drew Voltorb as my memory of the Master Ball because I ran out of time
And shoutouts to the Magikarp, Tangela, and Voltorb in the background
Magikarp’s in a container because it’s like an aquarium
Iron boom-it sends out small eletronic bomb when it explodes so it keeps its life
So i randomly found a shiny voltorb! but the quick ball failed for some reason and ummmm...
You know....
(Note, the Index numbers are multiples of 100, so PLZ don't harass me.)
Stock:The news sucks
Location:Cobalt coastlands, hisui
Spiritrush:wake up
Where is ur submission for aura cave
*looks at it*
Treasure:get russiaed
*Spiritrush goes blank*
*Tamashi looks at mail*
Tick;what are you doing
Tamashi:some hisuian growlithe wants me to...
Tamashi:wnats me to find this picture out, this is interesting indeed
Tamashi goes to cobalt coastlands with lapras and sees johtonian corsola which make him look sad
Tamashi:oh gosh
Basculeigon:who dares to intrude to the cobalt coastland
Tamashi:i feel sick
*tamashi vomites basculegion's favorite food and now basculegion loves him and rides him back to woodal village
Spiritrush:so the myth of basculeigon is real, we preserved basculeigon sized tank for our studioes
Rowlo;I knew you could do it
Rowlo:got them basculeigon tamashi
*the final evo hisui starters hinting something
People to ping
@Cookierunfantehehehe OoOooOoOoOoOo
@Busterlover local dog and cat has been spotted knocking on grown mans door
@PeacockFeatheredRaccoon get russiaed
@Lus-Adarch maybe next episode cotton candy will be there
@EveeChu nice
I was a corsola, happy as can be
One day i did not feel good
I felt my world faded away
Gingko landing, Hisui
Spheal:what the
Cotton Candy:You okay?
Tamashi:I do not know
Cotton candy:Rokou
Rokou;Rokou, the smartest of eevee ready to help
Cotton candy:help him pls
Rokou:follow me!
Rokou:u know i hate rags so disorganized
Tamashi:what is this place..
Tamashi:i just feel empty
Rokou:hope you feel better
Tick:why does he look so sad
Rokou:we have made it!
Spiritrush:it is i spiritrush
Spiritrush:You do not make any use much so u are automatically put to team lorekeepers lol yes u are useless
Rokou:So nice!
*Tamashi looks sad*
Cotton candy;hey if u feel bad whatever ur name is, i remember i had a sister we would play but then i was you and i was so ur not alone btw my name is cotton candy
*Tamashi gets a spark of joy
Spiritrush;here you go
*Gives tamashi a map for his first mission*
Tamashi:Maybe it will not be so bad.. feels like yesterday
People to ping
@Lus-Adarch cotton candy???
@Busterlover hey buster rokou is here 2
@Cookierunfantehehehe hows it like being ded
Comment ping to hear more of my stories when it releases
What I expected: A bunch of Hisuan Forms flowing into Go.
What I got: Just Voltorb.
I lost motivation so it looks very lazy also the trend with stars and all is well just deal with it.¯\_(-w-)_/¯
Voltorb line, alolan Dugtrio (because alolan diglett is cute), the gen 1 eeveelutions (Sorry), and commbee & weddle line cause Im a misty especially for the bee/wasp lines , and I'm not the only one who dislikes Worm madam (yes that how I write it)
Here with the 6th Pokémon Theory.
Topic: Is Voltorb a pokéball possessed by a Haunter?
Voltorb is one of the stranger-looking Pokemon in the Pokemon universe. This electric type Pokemon appears to be a Pokeball with angry eyes and has its own unique types of attacks. Some fans theorized that Voltorb's appearance is much darker than just lazy design.
The theory concludes that Voltorb actually is a Pokeball. A Haunter somehow managed to possess the Pokeball and make it into some sort of strange Pokemon-Pokeball hybrid. If you compare an image of Voltorb and Haunter side by side, the similarities are hard to ignore. The two Pokemon have almost the exact same eyes.
The theory goes further to explain that when Haunter possessed the Pokeball, it became trapped and exploded when it tried to escape. This would explain why the button on the Pokeball is gone, and Voltorb became its own subspecies of Pokemon. Even when Voltorb evolves into Electrode, the visual appearance doesn't change much.
It's just a theory so please share your opinions down below.
No off-topics
Respect others opinions
I found a theory online which was related to voltorb's origin.
According to that, Voltorb is actually a pokeball possessed by haunter.
A killer haunter was trapped in Pokeball and was sent to Pokeball maker Kurt to remove its opening button thus trapping it in there forever. The most Haunter could get out of the pokeball was his eyes. Haunter escaped and trained himself for a long period of time and learned Self destruct hoping it would help him escape. But it failed. Then, he learned Explosion. But still failed. And thats why Voltorbs are always angry.
Even their eyes look same. What do you think?