I walked along side Dallas. We then arrived at Viridian City.
"Cool place!" I said as we walked around.
"Lets go to the Gym!" Dallas told me as he ran to the Gym.
I ran after him but he stopped in front of me, causing me to bump into him.
"Hey, What gives?!" I asked/ yelled.
"Look." Dallas told me as he pointed at a sign on the Gym's door.
I looked at the sign.
"Due to the Gym leader being absent, The Gym is closed until further notice." The sign said.
"Dang it! I was looking forward to the Gym. Oh well. Meet ya at the next gym!" Dallas called as he ran off. I rolled my eyes and kinda chuckled. He was a dummy, but the dummy was my friend who I deeply cared for. I petted Luke's chest then continued to walk. I then saw something. 2 somethings. One had light blue hair that was short and the other had blue hair.
The light blue one was a girl and the blue hair was a boy. They had a meowth by them. They were in a Team Rocket outfit.
"This is Dumb!" The light blue hair said.
"Calm down, Josie." The blue hair tried to calm her down.
"Don't Tell ME What To DO, Jayden!!!!" The girl screamed at the blue hair.
"What if we head to the mountain-" The meowth started.
"Shut Up, Scratch!!!!!!" Josie and Jayden yelled at the meowth.
"He isn't far off. This place is boring. Lets go." said Jayden.
"Fine." Josie huffed.
I watched them walk away.
Thats impossible. Team Rocket no longer exists after the Eevee and the Rockruff defeated Giovanni.. What are they doing here? What do They want?