Before you ask, I'm using Vaporeon temporarily since I plan on using Koraidon once I receive it and Primeape's there because I'm evolving it into Annihilape.
(Question: Is Annihilape good?)
Vaporeon is only there for backup whenever one of Crim's Pokémon has fainted.
(The soap was scented and Crim's Vaporeon thought it was edible)
I had a bunch of fun with this drawing!! This drawing takes the honor of the most Pokémon I’ve drawn in one drawing because I usually only do ONE per drawing lol. Can you spot your favorite??
DISCLAIMER: Remember, beauty is very subjective. Most people would say that Yuga from Zelda (LOOK HIM UP) is ugly, but I say he’s flawless
Mega sceptile
Alolan muk
Shiny watchog
I have never played it before ( as I have never owned a nintendo device) however I have decided to buy a Nintendo switch to play pokemon.
Which pokemon game should I buy?
My favourite pokemon are slowpoke, vaporeon (dont be weird please I genuinely like the pokemon) and mimikyu.
I know how most of the pokemon games work fyi
*don't yell at me for my picks plz*
Both forms of grimer
Marill's whole evolutionary line
Do you agree with any of these picks? :)
Espeon (my fav eeveelution) lost by 5 percent so… umbreon wins!
First time on this wiki, just thought it would be fun to share some stuff ❤️
31 Votes in Poll
43 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
This bootleg Pokémon game is trying to pass itself off as a mobile port of Pokémon Violet
Right now I was going to make an edit to the Vaporeon page, only to find out that it has been protected due to constant vandalism. Thanks a lot guys! 😡
Gonna be here millennia before I get that shiny Eevee xD
Idk man they're lookin' a little funny
I can't draw their ears for the life of me
Closer up pictures
I made multiple First Discoveries by combining the Eeveelutions with “Sponge Kermit” This gave me the Sponge Eeveelutions. Most of them other than Vaporeon were First Discoveries.
Describe Vaporeon without inappropriate words
Have fun describing Vaporeon!