I assume i finish the game first but idk
Just wanna know
I assume i finish the game first but idk
Just wanna know
35 Votes in Poll
I made another thingy where you pick your favorite ‘mons, and this is what I got.
1) Blacephalon
2) Naganadel
3) Vikavolt
4) Metagross
5) Primarina
6) Hydreigon
7) Ribombee
8) Milotic
9) Salamence
10) Ting-Lu
3, 9, and 10 I did not expect to like as much as I did, but I just did for some reason.
67 Votes in Poll
I spent almost all of my free time yesterday on these
40 Votes in Poll
Chien pao be running down that hill and making deals with Arceus
Treasures of ruin out of clay!!!!
Chien-Pao took about 2 hours,
Ting-Lu a bit under 2 hours
Chi-Yu about 30-40 Minutes
Wo-Chien, surprisingly, just a bit under an hour i think. Thought it would be the hardest
58 Votes in Poll
Sorry most of them were asleep during this!